If you hit an underground lava lake, the water will turn it into obsidian, but if you are not at your preferred y-level yet, you will have to abandon this shaft and dig a new one. But hey, you can keep this shaft so that you can grab some obsidian in the future! The bottom of...
You can use any solid block (can’t use fences or glass panels as sheep get stuck), but you need a way for the grass to grow in the farm - otherwise the sheep won’t regrow their wool. Build an extra level around with grass blocks. Build another level, same dimension (5*8), ...
it ruins everything. It has pretty high defense and it regenerates health so you need a good ranged weapon and melee weapon to damage it. There is an amulet made to help you in fighting this monster, though I'm not actually sure how it helps, but I won't say how to get it. When...
If you really like this addon btw, you can donate to me on Ko-Fi. You're not obligated to donate, but it at least motivates me to continue working on this addon and any others that I may make. If you want a quick rundown on whats new in the update watch this video! Headcrab ...
If the villager has more than one trade for an item, it cycles through the trades, offering a different item every few seconds. This kind of trading interaction makes it easier to find villagers who offer a particular trade, but the player must still open the trading interface to complete ...