Now you know how to reset your Minecraft world like a pro! Sometimes, making technical changes like these would warrant some technical skill but we have systems in place to make things easier for you. Changing your world for whatever reason will give you a fresh start and ensure you have ...
Go to Change value Save and reboot ← How To Wipe World On Your Minecraft Server How To Change Your Minecraft Server Seed → Make Your Own Minecraft Server For Free Your own Minecraft server is only 5 minutes away! We support simple one click install for over 1000 uniqu...
If you want to start over in your own single-playerMinecraftworld or if you have found a majestic landscape that you want to explore or be part of your build, using anonlineMinecraftworld seed vieweris a great way to plan out your project especially if it is a massive one that will enc...
Using a few tricks, you can make an underwater house in Minecraft PE. Simply build the walls up to the water's surface, fill the inside with dirt, seal the house, and then remove the dirt. 4 Build an ultra-modern house. Flex your creativity and create a super modern house. You ca...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to grow a big dripleaf so that it is taller with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, you can quickly add height to a big dripleaf. A big dripleaf is a new plant that will tip over when you stand o
How to Make Circles in Minecraft One of the things you need to keep in mind when making a circle is that the bigger your circle is, the closer it will resemble an actual circle. This seems obvious, but due to the blocky shape of structures in Minecraft, smaller circles may look more ...
How to Mine in Minecraft: In this instructable I'm going to teach you how to mine in Minecraft. There are so many ways to approach mining in Minecraft. I want to cover some of the ways you can get started whether it is careful planning or just jumping r
You don’t need to make it big to become a full-time YouTuber. You just need to start on the right foot. Here’s how.
How to make glass The materials you’ll need to make glass are relatively easy to come by, and you might even have them in your inventory already. To make glass in Minecraft, you’ll need some sand, a furnace, and a fuel source for it. ...
Step 4:Collect your compass. The compass inMinecrafthas way more functionality than just telling you which direction north is. Instead, it points to your spawn point, which is extremely useful when traveling across the map. Your spawn point should serve as your base or home, where all your ...