In some console versions of the game, you can choose a world size (small, medium, or large) when you generate a new map. Worlds can be made larger in the settings options, but they can't be made smaller. You cancraft a Compass in Minecraftto help orient yourself when exploring. Build...
If you’ve played a ton of vanilla Minecraft and are looking for something a little different, you could try creating a customized world. These are Minecraft maps that you create by altering the world generation settings, resulting in exciting and unique configurations that can lead to hours of...
Adding mods to Minecraft is a common occurrence when running your own server. Whether this is to bring smaller quality of life improvements or completely revamp the game, there are tons of options at your disposal. This is brought to the next level with modpacks, which are large collections ...
1. Find a FernFirst, you need to find a fern in your Minecraft world. Ferns are usually found in the Taiga, Old Growth Pine Taiga or Jungle biomes.Taiga Old Growth Pine Taiga Jungle2. Hold the ShearsNext, select your shears in the hotbar so that you are holding them in your hand....
1. Find a Fire Coral FanFirst, you need to find a fire coral fan in your Minecraft world. A fire coral fan is a red coral fan that is usually found growing underwater in a Coral Reef in the Warm Ocean biome.This is what a fire coral fan looks like:...
How to Make Circles in Minecraft One of the things you need to keep in mind when making a circle is that the bigger your circle is, the closer it will resemble an actual circle. This seems obvious, but due to the blocky shape of structures in Minecraft, smaller circles may look more ...
The Minecraft world is composed of several dimensions, each offering unique environments, challenges, and rewards for players to explore. Let’s take a closer look at the dimensions that make up the vastness of Minecraft. The primary dimension is the Overworld. This is the dimension where players...
Minecraft Amethyst Shards are found through geodes, shallow occurrences while mining that can be cracked open and leave a subtle light to make them even easier to notice and home in on. Amethyst Shards themselves are useful objects that players can use to make Tinted Glass or a Spyglass, so ...
Deadly Nadders made an appearance in the trailer for Minecraft's How to Train Your Dragon DLC, and have been put into the DLC as a blocky, tamable, ridable dragon. The Deadly Nadder's body design is somewhat similar to the Hungarian Horntail from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.Re...
How to make a Splash Potion of Weakness in Minecraft Minecraft Wiki Librarian in Minecraft Minecraft Wiki How to Breathe Underwater in Minecraft Minecraft Wiki How to get Player Heads in Minecraft Minecraft Wiki How to Kill all Mobs in Minecraft Minecraft Wiki How to Make Strength Potion...