钻石脚:diamond_boots(防御.韧性默认值是3.2) 自定义附魔:Enchantments:[ 火焰保护,等级10:{id:"fire_protection",lvl:10} 不毁:Unbreakable:1 属性修改器AttributeModifiers 属性名称AttributeName 最大生命值generic.max_health 值Amount 位置Slot: 头:head 胸:chest 腿:legs 脚:feet (Slot可以不写,如果Slot不...
玩家可以用指令来给《我的世界》僵尸穿戴上头盔或者是装备,下面这些指令直接复制粘贴即可;头盔:/replaceitem entity @e[type=zombie] slot.armor.head 0 diamond_helmet胸甲:/replaceitem entity @e[type=zombie] slot.armor.chest 0 diamond_chestplate裤子:/replaceitem entity @e[type=zombie] slot.armor.legs...
(MinecraftItemTypes.DiamondLeggings)); equipmentCompArmorStand.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Feet,newItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.NetheriteBoots)); equipmentCompArmorStand.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Mainhand,newItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.WoodenSword)); equipmentCompArmorStand.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Offhand,new...
# Spy Boots /scoreboard players set @a SpGe_Wear 0 /scoreboard players set @a SpGe_Wear 1 {Inventory:[{Slot:100b,id:"minecraft:leather_boots",tag:{display:{Name:"SpyBoots",color:8026746}}}]} # Hide in leaves /execute @a[score_SpGe_Wear_min=1,score_SpGe_Wear=1] ~ ~ ~ detec...
The feet slot. This slot is used to hold items such as Boots. Head Head = "Head" The head slot. This slot is used to hold items such as Helmets or Carved Pumpkins. Legs Legs = "Legs" The legs slot. This slot is used to hold items such as Leggings. ...
Leather Boots (in inventory) Entity Textures Corrected Magma Cube texture mapping Cats White Rabbit Parrot head bottom textures User Interface Textures More dramatic slot highlight overlay Classic editing sign backgrounds Screenshots See how Java Aspects impacts the feel of Minecraft. ...
(MinecraftItemTypes.DiamondLeggings)); equipmentCompArmorStand.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Feet,newItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.NetheriteBoots)); equipmentCompArmorStand.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Mainhand,newItemStack(MinecraftItemTypes.WoodenSword)); equipmentCompArmorStand.setEquipment(EquipmentSlot.Offhand,new...
Crafting: Dirt Slabs: Some dirt slabs to keep the monsters at bay. When placed this block can turn into a Grass Slab if there are other grass blocks near by. Crafting: Dirt Stairs: Some dirt stairs for when you don't have enough stone. ...
or boots. I really like what you did to the effects when you make new food and how you adjust the durability and amplifier. This would be amazing if you could add it to the individual armor pieces. Also I believe you should do something cool with enchants or atleast add a ...