minecraft:elytra 滑翔翅 minecraft:spruce_boat 云杉船 minecraft:birch_boat 白桦船 minecraft:jungle_boat 丛林船 minecraft:acacia_boat 金合欢船 minecraft:dark_oak_boat 深色橡木船 minecraft:record_13 13唱片 minecraft:record_cat cat唱片 minecraft:record_blockslocks唱片 minecraft:record_chirp chirp唱片 minecr...
🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂 本期简介 🍂 🍂 🍂 🍂🔔地图名称👉父亲的传说 第三部📒版本👉1.7.2 (Java) 💡作者👉阿狸 🎈关于BGM🎈 Outro:Enzalla - Sailing on a Flying Boat 🟧⬜ 🟧⬜ 视频制作 🟧⬜ 🟧⬜参与:清木剪辑:清木字幕:清木封面:清木 夜的钢琴曲二十八 游戏 ...
Birch Boat 白桦木船 Birch Boat With Chest 白桦木运输船 Black Dye 黑色染料 Blaze Powder 烈焰粉 Blaze Rod 烈焰棒 Blue Dye 蓝色染料 Boat 船 Boat With Chest 运输船 Bone 骨头 Bone Meal 骨粉 Book 书 Book And Quill 书与笔 Boots 靴子 Bottle o' Enchanting 附魔之瓶 Bow 弓 Bowl 碗 Bread 面包 Br...
333 Oak Boat(minecraft:boat) 334 Leather(minecraft:leather) 335 Milk Bucket(minecraft:milk_bucket) 336 Brick(minecraft:brick) 337 Clay(minecraft:clay_ball) 338 Sugar Canes(minecraft:reeds) 339 Paper(minecraft:paper) 340 Book(minecraft:book) 341 Slimeball(minecraft:slime_ball) 342 Minecart with ...
船BOAT 330 运输矿车 STORAGE_MINECART 342 动力矿车 POWERED_MINECART 343 更多见下方! 矿石和锭物品名称 物品英文ID 物品数字ID 煤炭COAL 263 木炭COAL:1 263:1 钻石DIAMOND 264 铁锭IRON_INGOT 265 金锭GOLD_INGOT 266 青金石 INK_SACK:4 351:4 更多见下方! 炼药物品名称 物品英文ID 物品数字ID 萤石粉 ...
Snapshots are typically followed, check during snapshot seasons to see what's going on. Join the Dandelion Discord Server Share screenshots, get notifications of new updates, and share your favorite builds. Dandelion X 1.21Dandelion X & Fresh AnimationsDandelion X 1.12 ...
Minecraft我的世界方块代码物品ID如下:一、石头 STONE 1 二、草块 GRASS 2 三、泥土 DIRT 3 四、圆石 COBBLESTONE 4 五、橡木木板 WOOD 5 六、云杉木板 WOOD:1 5:1 七、桦木木板 WOOD:2 5:2 八、丛林木板 WOOD:3 5:3 九、橡树树苗 SAPLING 6 十、云杉树苗 SAPLING:1 6:1 十一、桦木...
This seed may not seem particularly noteworthy - just a beach on the edge of some Taiga and plains. But once you're set up with the basics, take a boat out to the south-west and you'll quickly run into one of the largest Mooshroom biomes I've come across. So for those who really...
It increases boat movement speed. The slippery factor of blue ice means items, entities, and players all slide across them due to lower friction. How to Use Blue Ice in Minecraft There are several cool uses for blue ice based on its unique properties For building and decoration Increasing the...