minecraft:elytra 滑翔翅 minecraft:spruce_boat 云杉船 minecraft:birch_boat 白桦船 minecraft:jungle_boat 丛林船 minecraft:acacia_boat 金合欢船 minecraft:dark_oak_boat 深色橡木船 minecraft:record_13 13唱片 minecraft:record_cat cat唱片 minecraft:record_blockslocks唱片 minecraft:record_chirp chirp唱片 minecr...
《我的世界》在PC上让开发者在一天之内获得了26万欧元(242万人民币)收入的沙盘游戏(独立游戏神作)——《Minecraft–Pocket Edition》是一款非常独特的不是游戏的游戏。Minecraft被称为独立游戏神作《Minecraft》,不仅登录了Xbox360,还登录到了Android手机。说它不是游戏,是因为它并没有什么特定的玩法,也没有游戏情节...
Boat Bump Gameplay: Ice Race! Ice race is where you can race with your friends with boats! This Minigame is really fun because there's also a soul sand in here to slow you down! Dropper! I'm pretty sure everyone knows the Dropper Minigame! It's a Minigame where you will jump a ...
Map(minecraft:filled_map) 359 Shears(minecraft:shears) 360 Melon(minecraft:melon) 361 Pumpkin Seeds(minecraft:pumpkin_seeds) 362 Melon Seeds(minecraft:melon_seeds) 363 Raw Beef(minecraft:beef) 364 Steak(minecraft:cooked_beef) 365 Raw Chicken(minecraft:chicken) 366 Cooked Chicken(minecraft:cooked_ch...
Bed, bed allows players to rest and jump directly to the next morning. Wool, no description Map, which can be used to view the terrain of the area that has been explored. Compass, the compass will point to your world birthplace.
emptyMap = 空地图 emptyLocatorMap = 空定位器地图 enchanted_book = 附魔书 end_crystal = 末地水晶 end_rod = 末地烛 ender_eye = 末影之眼 ender_pearl = 末影珍珠 experience_bottle = 附魔之瓶 feather = 羽毛 fermented_spider_eye = 发酵蛛眼 ...
特别鸣谢:@Brush-XD ;山路地图:https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/initial-d-mount-akina-ice-boat-race-map;地图作者:AdamsApple (感谢授权);城市地图:漯河新城;地图作者:黄桑; BGM:《一路向北》- 周杰伦《布拉格广场》- 蔡依林&周杰伦《海盗》- 蔡依林&周杰伦 Derreck Simons - This Time Digital ...
在我的世界手游中,玩家常常需要用到指令台输入物品的代码。而游戏中物品的代码使用的是物品的英文名,小伙伴常常因此要翻找好久。接下来就让我们一起来看一看各个方块的英文代码吧。 提示:善用Ctrl+F搜索功能 基础方块 物品名称 物品英文ID 物品数字ID 石头 STONE 1 草块 GRASS 2 泥土 DIRT 3 圆石 COBBLESTONE 4...
395/0 map Empty Map 396/0 golden_carrot Golden Carrot 397/0 skull Skeleton Skull 397/1 skull Wither Skeleton Skull 397/2 skull Zombie Head 397/3 skull Player Head 397/4 skull Creeper Head 397/5 skull Dragon Head 398/0 carrot_on_a_stick Carrot on a Stick 399/0 nether_...
424 filled_map 51 fire 521 fire_charge -583 fire_coral -851 fire_coral_block -842 fire_coral_fan -907 fire_coral_wall_fan 530 firework_rocket 531 firework_star 396 fishing_rod -201 fletching_table 359 flint 301 flint_and_steel 713 flow_armor_trim_smithing_template ...