Armor is a category of items that provide players and certain mobs with varying levels of protection from common damage types, and appear graphically on the wearer (excluding non-humanoid wearers). These items include several different tiers of helmets,
EntityEquipmentSlot■■■ Item.isValidArmor(ItemStack;EquipmentSlot;Entity)■■■Item.canEquip(ItemStack;EquipmentSlot;Entity) Minecraft.isSingleplayer()■■■Minecraft.hasSingleplayerServer() GUIButton■■■net.minecraft.client.gui.components.Button ServerPlayer#openEd...
MC-90842 - Sweep attack knocks back marker armor stands MC-90842 - 横扫击退 Marker 盔甲架 MC-96998 - End Cities / Woodland Mansions don't generate completely when interrupting generation MC-96998 - 打断生成导致末地城/林地府邸生成不完全 MC-98796 - Armor loses durability when blocking damage wit...
This is a mod that adds a ton of new gems to the game and they can all be crafted into new tools, armor, and even colored glass! There are now sixteen new gem ores, including the ones that already exist but can now be used in new crafting recipes, that can be found all over you...
"BlockBheaviour.Properties#.strength(-1.0F, 3600000.0F) .noDrops() .sound(SoundType.STONE)■■■Block() { // setBlockUnbreakable(); // setResistance(6000000.0F); // setSoundType(SoundType.STONE); }" Block#damageDropped(…)■■■BlockBehaviour#getDrops(…) MapColor#BLACK■■...
MC-79697 - Entities don't render properly when next to invisible spider, charged creeper, or wither boss with armor MC-79697 - 实体在靠近隐形蜘蛛、高压爬行者或穿戴盔甲的凋零时渲染错误 MC-80041 - Signs with long text freeze the game