1.8.9/8 ⬇️ Can this be done with armor/mobs too? I'll look into it at a later point. How do I get a skin for this? The skins are normal Minecraft Skins. Go onto namemc or other sites, download a skin and upload it in the Minecraft Launcher. ...
Show Me Your Skin! Sodium Sodium Extra Starlight Stendhal StepUp ToolTip Fix Tweakeroo Vanilla Config Very Many Players ViaFabric Visuality WaveyCapes WorldEdit YetAnotherConfigLib Old contents for 1.19.3 3D Skin Layers Render the player skin layer in 3d! AdvancementInfo Show more information about ...
You can play it on server with friends or in solo. I recommend to not update Spark and Sodium Extra. Mod List : -3d skin layer -Apple skin -Armor Chroma -Armor Sound Tweak -Auditory -Better biome blend -Better Third Person -Bookshelf -Cloth config -Clumps -Controlling -Creative Core -...
23.6 M Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) by tr9zw Render the player skin layer in 3d! Adventure Decoration 23.5 M Rhino by Several People... A fork of Mozilla's Rhino library, modified for use in mods API and Library Utility 23.5 M Resourceful Lib by Several People... Resourceful Lib ...
上个视频:【MCBE# 基岩版也能有3D皮肤层!这可能是基岩版首个3D皮肤层[资源包]?!仿制Java版SkinLayer3DMod展示】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ch411M7ni/?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=cabca54100d4500b5b40d37c42088579 这可能不是第一个类似的资源包,毕竟原理很简单,只是有没有人去做的...
ntdll.dll:NT Layer DLL:10.0.19041.2788 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation ntmarta.dll:Windows NT MARTA provider:10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800):Microsoft Corporation nvoglv64.dll:NVIDIA Compatible OpenGL ICD: Corporation nvspcap64.dll:NVIDIA Game Proxy:
Makes 2nd layer of your skins become 3D and allows you to use 2 pixel eyes facial animation 738KB 18 906 MCDSaveEdit Tools and Utilities Uploaded: 25 Feb 2021 Last Update: 02 Dec 2022 Author: CutFlame Uploader: CutFlame Windows application for modifying Minecraft: Dungeons save files....
skinlayers: 3d Skin Layers 1.5.2-mc1.19.1 skyvillages: Sky Villages smoothboot: Smooth Boot 1.19-1.7.1 smoothchunk: Smooth chunk save Mod 1.19.1-2.0 snowday: Snow Day 1.0.2 sodium: Sodium 0.4.4+build.18 org_joml_joml: joml 1.10.4 ...
customskinloader: CustomSkinLoader 14.12-SNAPSHOT-109durabilityviewer: Giselbaers Durability Viewer 1.15.2-fabric0.4.23-1.7fabric: Fabric API 0.10.8+build.310-1.15fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.1.2+28f8190f42fabric-biomes-v1: Fabric Biomes (v1) 0.1.5+3b05f68e0cfabric-blockrenderlayer...
I found some examples where I could also get this behaviour of hiding the outer layer on big skinfiles, but I didnt fully find it out. There's definitly a logic to hide the outer layer on big skinfiles, too. I really wonder why there's this mechanic to hide some parts of the skin...