The following is a script from "Mindfulness" which aired on Dec. 14, 2014. Anderson Cooper is the correspondent. Denise Schrier Cetta, producer. Matthew Danowski , editor. Our lives are filled with distractions -- email, Twitter, texting we're constantly connected to technology, rarely alone w...
Take another breath in as you move to the top of your first finger. Breathe out as you move down between your first and second finger. Repeat until you have taken five slow, deep breaths. Back-to-Back Breathing This activity uses the basic script from the first mindful breathing activity,...
10. Practice mindful eating.The exercise of mindfully eating a raisin or a piece of chocolate is a staple of mindfulness education, and is a great activity for kids. You can find ascript for a 7-minute mindful eating exercise for children here. This is a fun way to teach children to pa...
The brain also stores core experiences ready for re-use in the simulation. Imagine you are walking through your local park on a lovely sunny day. You have been to the park countless times before, and know it in detail. You have seen the sun filtering through the leaves of the trees many...
Script it out your life as if it is happening at this moment. Get out in nature and connect with Mother Earth, meditate/pray daily. Connect with others with the same mind-set / goals. Read books, listen to podcasts, send emails/letters, join meet-up groups, volunteer in the direction ...
get scared I take deep breaths.”. Then I continued doing the fingertip breathing with my eyes closed. Within a second or two I heard him breathing, peeked and saw him imitating what I was doing. Once he was calm I gently placed a new activity in front of him. He started to re-...
“It is taken for granted that power corrupts. This is reinforced culturally by everything from Machiavelli to contemporary politics. But how do we get power? And how does it change our behavior? So often, in spite of our best intentions, we lose our hard-won power. ...
The following is a script from "Mindfulness" which aired on December 14, 2014, and was rebroadcast on September 6, 2015. Anderson Cooper is the correspondent. Denise Schrier Cetta, producer. Our lives are filled with distractions -- email, Twitter, texting. We're constantly connected to techno...
knee-jerk reaction to feeling tone. If a feeling tone sets the scene, then the reactivity pulse casts the actors, selects the costumes and writes the script for what happens next. And it can write a script and direct a scene that can easily ruin your whole day and sometimes far, far,...