Tools and mindfulness exercises to help employees with difficult emotions, deadline pressures, work stress, and a variety of other challenges unique to the workplace. Mindful Eating Headspace helps you bring mindfulness to everyday activities so you can savor every moment and every bite. Mindful Br...
Workplace trainingEmployee well-beingMindfulness trainingPurposeAs the concept of mindfulness gains popularity in the workplace, there is a need to understand the extent to which mindfulness-related practices are integrated into training and development activities and the impact of these practices on ...
With the increased interest in mindfulness in the workplace, many companies now offer classes in yoga, meditation, and stress reduction, and endorse activities such as spending 5 minutes each day doing nothing and taking time out for reflective reading. These are all excellent activities, but they...
March 28–Andrew Safer presented a workshop to Religious Studies students of Professor Patricia Dold at Memorial University, tracing his introduction to Buddhist meditation at the age of 15 to his current activities as a Mindfulness instructor and trainer. Sitting and walking meditation and key elemen...
So let’s take a look at some helpful activities you can include in your corporate mindfulness training. Frommindfulness online training coursesto guided meditation for focus and productivity, here are six ideas you can use toboost mindfulness in the workplace. ...
In other situations where you are caring for children, planning your day around the children’s activities could potentially help with maintaining a good work-life balance. Furthermore, switching off devices like the TV and putting your phone away are also great ways to help boost concentration....
take a moment to feel the sensation of warm water on your hands. Or, if you’re folding the laundry, enjoy the softness of the clothes. This can help to prevent your mind from getting caught up in anxious thoughts. You may even...
I rush through activities without being really attentive to them. 9.我太专注于我想要实现的目标,以至于我并不了解我现在正在做的事情的情况。 I get so focused on the goal I want to achieve that I lose touch with what I am doing right now to get there. ...
A common misconception is that slowing down or being in the moment equals a lack of productivity, when in reality the effect is the opposite. In fact, studies have shown that employees who participate in mindfulness activities every day not only produce better quality work, but more of it!
then focus on completing one at a time, tracking the time you take for each. It’s more productive and is a great way of seeing how muchactualtime – not including distractions – you spend your time on regular work activities, which will help you plan your workload more efficiently in ...