Studies have shown that the gap between immigrant and native students is not only due to immigrant families' lower SES, but also due to speaking a different language at home, sociocultural factors, system-wide factors of the origin and destination countries (such as political stability, economic...
Young Black men who have sex with men (YBMSM) suffer profound health inequities in new HIV diagnoses and clinical outcomes. While the evolution of HIV prev
Each frame of the mind is perfected to its own specific kind. Therefore if used outside of the sequential process, intellectually it is now of low grade, and is not reliable at all, now being on its own. To keep you from the truth, a little trick pulled by those in the Governing ...
English is a language that opens doors to opportunities worldwide. Whether you’re brushing up on your skills or diving into the language for the first time, the journey to fluency often involves seeking guidance from a knowledgeable tutor. With the rise of online tutoring, the options seem en...
Fichte, Addresses to the German Nation Modern Schooling:Start schooling as soon as possible and make it mandatory through 12th grade. Lard on pre-school programs, after school programs, homework, sports, and extra-curriculars that are all but mandatory if you want to get into a ‘good’ coll...
Now, after a nearly 40 year gap, I find myself, sitting at the piano pencil in hand, writing out 6-part vocal works in a dead language. About 2/3rds of the way through the Agnus, maybe half way through the Gloria. My style (I laugh to myself) is basically a poor man’s ...
In the growth mindset there are no grade C students. There are just “not quite yet A” students. 2. Focus on Weaknesses The Damage: Here is another artifact of the modern school grading system. It tends to guide focus to the weaknesses of a student. Whereas weakness-based grading may ...
the pandemic.12The number of children who are housing-insecure has risen as families struggle to pay rent. Parental supervision and support may be more difficult in families in which both parents need to work outside the home, or in which the parents are English-...
Wonderland is built on top of the Project Darkstar game server platform, which provides enterprise-grade scalability, reliability, and flexible integration with other enterprise systems. --- Surprisingly enough, synchronisity strikes again. Thursday I have to give a presentation on collaboration and p...
Yet, the English language has never really made any sense and the name "chemical engineer" is a case in point. "Enough already...go to the bottom." All Right, So What is a Chemical Engineer? It is true that chemical engineers are comfortable with chemistry, but they do much more with...