Most international research in English on the association between immigration and achievement has focused on Western European countries and the USA. In European coun- tries, students who speak a different language at home perform worse in PISA, especially at reading (Lenkeit et al., 2017). ...
2017). This gender gap in entrepreneurship is documented also among graduates, i.e., the individuals who have more potential to be successful entrepreneurs (Van der Sluis et al.,2008), and is particularly
the whole messianic schooling movement as a part of the intolerant Puritan obsession with control, the fundamental insanity of the Great Awakenings, how these movements formed Catholic converts Hecker and Brownson into wildly optimistic Pre-Millennialists; how this optimism persisted...
This experi- ence raised the college students' semester grade point averages (GPAs). In another study, an eight-session growth-mind-set workshop led by researchers raised the math grades of low-achieving seventh-grade students (Blackwell et al., 2007; see also Good et al., 2003)...
Based on statistically, the results is significant difference between the mean scores of control and experiment group in the reading comprehension post-test in favor of the experiment group [8]. The electronic mind map a significant effect in improving English grammar in the first middle school in...
of meaningful web conversations between organizations, customers and employees. Somewhere in the book you run into a picture of yours truly, both avatar and Real Life and referral to the MindBlizzard blog. On the Me The Media website you'll find a short outline of the bookin Englishas well...
A wonderful poem simply titled ‘Thought’ by the English writerD. H. Lawrence. Thought, I love thought. But not the juggling and twisting of already existent ideas. I despise that self-important game. Thought is the welling up of unknown life into consciousness, ...
Yet, the English language has never really made any sense and the name "chemical engineer" is a case in point. "Enough already...go to the bottom." All Right, So What is a Chemical Engineer? It is true that chemical engineers are comfortable with chemistry, but they do much more with...
The situation is particularly desperate in the case of Northeast Nigeria. There, children continue to bear the brunt of the 12-year conflict, whereby more than 300,000 children have been killed while over one million have been displaced (UNICEF, 2021). Even though primary education is ...
To the authors’ knowledge and given the novelty of the construct of smartphone distraction, this is the first study to examine a preliminary online randomized controlled trial via MHapps for the reduction of smartphone distraction. The present study fills a gap in the smartphone literature by asse...