learning (artificial intelligence)mathematical morphologypattern classification/ learnabilitymin-max classifiersbinary-valued functionspattern classifiersbinary-valued feature vectorsreal-valued feature vectorslattice-theoretic generalizationWe also propose a LMS algorithm for the practical training of these pattern ...
The preliminaries are introduced in Section 3. We present the efficient algorithm that finds out the max-min fair allocation in Section 4. When a new node is connected to the controller, we analyze the change of the allocation in Section 5. The truthfulness of the allocation is discussed in...
Accepted02 May 2024 Published26 May 2024 Issue DateSeptember 2024 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-06181-y Keywords Q-learning Double Q-learning Maximum estimator Overestimation bias reduction Underestimation bias Mixing algorithmAccess this article Log in via an institution Subscribe and save ...
In this paper we have presented MAX–MIN Ant System, an algorithm based on several modifications to AS which aim (i) to exploit more strongly the best solutions found during the search and to direct the ants’ search towards very high quality solutions and (ii) to avoid premature convergence...
Max-Min Algorithm for Distributed Finite Time Termination of Consensus in Presence of Delays In this article the consensus problem in an asynchronous network with bounded and constant delays on the communication channel between the agents is studied. In many applications, it is important for agents ...
These results demonstrate that the new algorithm requires a reasonable training time and its test set accuracy is consistently good on most data sets compared with mainstream classifiers. 展开 关键词: Theoretical or Mathematical/ learning (artificial intelligence) optimisation pattern classification/ ...
The feasibility and effectiveness of the p roposed ant colony algorithm are validated by series of computational experim ents . Key words: artificial intelligence; ant colony algorithm ( ACA ) ; pheromone; cloud model; qualitative association rule; niche 收稿日期 : 2005 2 10 2 21. 基金项目 :...
Optimization of modular granular neural networks using a firefly algorithm for human recognition Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2017) DanielaSánchezet al. Optimization of modular granular neural networks using a hierarchical genetic algorithm based on the database complexity applied to ...
C++ STL | std::min() function: Here, we are going to learn about the min() function of algorithm header in C++ STL with example.
The resulting algorithm is tested on two well-known combinatorial optimization problems arising in the artificial intelligence problems field and compared experimentally to six (6) variants of ACO with local search. Results showed that the enhanced algorithm outperforms the six ACO variants. 展开 ...