Jesus Christ spoke of the earthly resurrection of the dead that will take place during his Millennial Reign when he said: “All those in the memorial tombs will hear [my] voice and come out.” 耶稣基督谈及千年统治期间,死去的人会在地上复活。 他说:“所有在纪念墓里的人都会听见[我]的声音...
Easton-Flake, AmyBrigham Young University Studies Quarterly
millennial: A member of the generation born from the early 1980s to late 1990s, especially in the United States and Canada; a member of Generation Y.
3.a time of peace and happiness, esp in the distant future 4.a thousandth anniversary [C17: from New Latin, from Latinmillethousand +annusyear; for form, compare quadrennium] milˈlennialadj milˈlennialistn milˈlenniallyadv
As Ciocia discusses in detail. 5. Other critics also voice such concerns as to the nature of the relationship between feminism and postmodernism, including Laura Doan in “Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Postmodern”; Linda Hutcheon inThe Politics of the Postmodern; Christine Di Stefano in “Dilem...
This particular view—known as the “premillennial dispensationalist” interpretation of the events of Revelation, Ezekiel, and Daniel—is not popular among Catholics or mainline Protestants, who see the references in the Bible to a thousand-year reign of Jesus as largely metaphorical. ...
Although this word itself isn’t in the Bible, the Greek word harpazo in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 means “catching up.” It also means “to eagerly claim for one’s self,” which reminds me that Jesus is thrilled to bring His Bride home to be with Him forever! After the Church has been...
Joshua in Hebrew is Yehoshua and in Christian theology it istranslated as Yahweh. Jesus, derived from the old Greek language ofthe New Testament, is translated Yehoshua, which is thesame as Joshua in Hebrew. In the Orthodox Bible, Joshua is translatedas Jesus, son of Naue, so that the two...
The more patriots we get to become digital soldiers the easier it will be to take back the House of Representatives, increase our representation in the US Senate and win 2020 for President Trump.
and there was found no place for them.【Rev20:12】And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne; and books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, ...