The stories themselves, the interactive re-telling activities, and the format are conducive to helping newly saved Millennials grow in their new-found faith. With adaptations, the principles will work with tribal people as well. Such important topics as assurance, prayer, Bible study, the Spirit-...
“And for good reason. There is certainly awell-documented trendof Millennials leaving church or turning away from their faith. However, this current study on perceptions of the Bible gives church leaders some very good news about the Good Book: Active young Christians are holding true to ...
Bible class N (for confirmation etc)→ catequesis f invBible college N (US)→ colegio m evangelistaBible school N (US)→ escuela f de enseñanza de la BibliaBible story N→ historia f de la BibliaBible study N→ estudio m de la BibliaBible thumper N creyente muy celoso de la Biblia...
4 Things Gen Z Believes about Jesus and 4 Things Millennials Believe about JesusBritt Mooney The Challenges of Raising a Teenager as a Single MomEmmanuel Abimbola 5 Things Your Teen Has Questions about But Is Too Afraid to Ask YouAlicia Michelle ...
Engaging Millennials through the Tradition of the Holy Spirit and Mission of the Assemblies of God We will look at the Old Testament, New Testament, Lucan theology, Pauline theology, and historic revivals to see how the Holy Spirit is intimately connected with the mission of God. In other wor...
By Jimmy Evans The 2020 census is underway, and I suspect one of the most interesting findings will be related to millennials and marriage. If the trends bear out, we’ll soon know precisely how much the idea of marriage has declined among the generation of young adults born in the 1980s...
A Group Texting App Turned Off Its Spell Checker To See What Words Millennials Mess Up The Most by Cass AndersonJanuary 21, 2016 11:46 am Study Proves If You Curse Like A Sailor You’re More Well Adjusted Than Those P.C. Pussies by Cass AndersonDecember 14, 2015 9:40 am Chances ...
A former missionary to Romania, Trevin hosts a blog at The Gospel Coalition and regularly contributes to the Washington Post, Religion News Service, World and Christianity Today, which named him one of 33 millennials shaping the next generation of evangelicals. His books include Eschatological ...
This is a study to help you identify and deal with those who are in the local church for the sole purpose of dividing the church and destroying Christian fellowship. LOCAL CHURCH SURVIVAL PLAN As the world creeps closer and closer to destroying the Lord's Church, are you living for Jesus ...
"This is a study in the catastrophes for the past thousands of years and how they warn us of what we could easily experience in our day. We conclude with a message of hope from the Bible. HOW TO DESTROY HERETICAL CHRISTIANITY: SITUATION ETHICS ...