1. Clone the aws-kubernetes-migration-factory repository. git clonehttps://github.com/awslabs/aws-kubernetes-migration-factory 2. Change directory to aws-kubernetes-migration-factory. cd aws-kubernetes-migration-factory/ 3. Run this command to b...
$ git clone--mirror git@your-gitlab-site.com:mario/my-repo.git # Change into newly created repo directory $ cd~/my-repo.git # Push to GitHub using the `--mirror` option. The `--no-verify` option skips any hooks. $ git push--no-verify --mirror git@github.com:mario/my-repo.git...
Kubernetes “makes reliability at massive scale possible,” Newdigate said, adding that the Google Container Engine service has more robust and mature support than any other. GitLab said it’s planning to make its move to Google’s cloud on July 28. Once GitLab has migrated its code, ...
- repo: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8 rev: 3.9.2 hooks: - id: flake8 language_version: python3 - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-prettier rev: "v2.4.1" hooks: - id: prettier 10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions 10 CONTRIBUTING.md Original file line numberDiff ...
I have some vms in proxmox (vm for gitlab runner and other for sonarqube) and I want to migrate both vms to digitalocean, what are the steps to do so? also w…
Summary While executing 'gitlab-ctr reconfigure' I get an error "Error executing action run on resource 'bash_hide_env[migrate gitlab-rails database]'". Unfortunately, I...
To see all supported conversion flags for a provider, pass the --help flag: harness-migrate github convert --help All Issues that are not specific to a provider. Resource limits Kubernetes-based Harness CI pipeline steps run with default resource limits. Problem harness-migrate does not set ...
as in we vendor https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/postgresql-0.7.1.tgz and https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/postgresql-8.2.1.tgz Thong Kuah @tkuah · 4 years ago Author Maintainer I think I have a solution for this in gitlab-org/cluster-integration/auto-deplo...
The kubernetes-executor branch contains code for the executor 2 API, including an almost ready implementation of a UNIXExecutor base class, usage of the wrapper script, state query (/proc FS), a basic LocalExecutor implementation and a start for the SSH executor. Migrate the code into a new...
CloudAlertingApplication ObservabilityAssertsExplore appsFrontend Observabilityk6 Performance TestingKubernetes MonitoringIRMLogsMachine LearningMetricsProfilesSLOSynthetic MonitoringTracesGrafana EnterpriseAlertingExplore appsHelm ChartsLogsMetricsTracesAlertingAlloyBeylaExplore appsFaroGrafanaHelm Chartsk6k6 StudioLokiMimirPyrosc...