I am trying to deploy a simply python shiny app. I have a Kubernetes namespace and cluster ready to go, but only have access via the dashboard. my company does not let me operate via a terminal. How do I connect my repository on GitLab to my cluster? All tutorials I'v...
NOTE:Kubernetes experience required:We recommend being familiar with Kubernetes before using it to deploy GitLab in production. The methods for management, observability, and some concepts are different than traditional deployments. When installing GitLab on Kubernetes, there are some trade-offs that yo...
To work around these restrictions, users needed to create custom tooling on top of GitLab, or they couldn’t use GitLab features. Using the GitLab Kubernetes Agent, users can deploy their applications using a pull-based approach, without opening up their clusters to the Internet. The Agent ...
gitlab: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/blob/master/README.mdgitlab: It looks like GitLab has not been configured yet; skipping the upgrade script. 3. 配置和使用GitLab sudogitlab-ctl reconfigure 4. 在浏览器访问GitLab主机名 如果安装gitlab的linux主机IP是192.168.0.10或者ubuntu(...
We will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing GitLab on Linux. Whether you are an Ubuntu or CentOS user, this guide has got you covered!
Gitlab-ce: 13.7.1 k8s: v1.19.6 (both are self-hosted and connected successful) can't install prometheus from gitlab-managed-apps panic: Unable to...
Many software projects’ files are maintained in Git repositories, and platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket help to facilitate software development project sharing and collaboration. In this guide, we will go through how to install and configure Git on an Ubuntu server. We will cover how...
try install gitlab ce at docker ce sudo dockerrun--detach \ --envGITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG="external_url ''; gitlab_rails['lfs_enabled'] = true;"\ --publish 8743:443 --publish 8780:80 --publish 8722:22 \...
GitLab-Omnibus: The best way to run GitLab on Kubernetes today. It is suited for small to medium deployments, and is in beta while support for backups and other features are added. Cloud Native GitLab Chart: The next generation GitLab chart, currently in development. Will support large de...
Before installing GitLab you should consider how many users will collaborate on your self-hosted instance, the size of the repositories you will store, and the recommended minimum system requirements. This criteria will effect the needed storage, CPU, and memory. This guide will use an 8GB Linod...