Amazon Route 53 是具有高可用性、高拓展性的云域名系统(DNS)服务,Route 53的优势包括并不限于: 对DNS服务SLA有高要求,海外Route53支持100% SLA;中国区99.99% SLA保证 需要灵活方便的流量路由策略(如基于地理位置、基于延迟、加权路由等) 支持使用Route53 Traffic Flow实现快速配置解析记录 与其它AWS服务的良好集成...
為了讓 Route 53 成為網域的 DNS 服務,您需要更新網域註冊以使用這四個名稱伺服器。重要 請勿建立其他名稱伺服器 (NS) 或起始授權 (SOA) 記錄,也請勿刪除現有的 NS 和 SOA 記錄。若要建立託管區域 登入AWS Management Console 並開啟位於 的Route 53 主控台。 如果...
After the RDS Custom instance is added to the domain, a post check is recommended. Run following PowerShell command:Test-NetConnection -ComputerName ssm.<awsregion> -Port 443 -InformationLevel Detailed If the command returns True, then ...
创建完域的记录后,您可以将您的域的 DNS 服务更改为 Amazon Route 53。执行以下过程可更新域注册商的设置。 更新域的名称服务器 在Route 53 控制台中,获取您的 Route 53 托管区域的名称服务器: 通过以下网址打开 Route 53 控制台:。
Description Migrates the aws_service data source away from the AWS SDK for Go v1 endpoints package. Relations Cloes #36188. Relates hashicorp/aws-sdk-go-base#1182. Output from Acceptance Testing ...
Of course, it is recommended to use Express Route for hybrid connectivity to ensure enough throughput is assigned to the service, including the SLA that Microsoft gives against Express Route. Like any other core service, SAP relies heavily on Active Directory and DNS. It’s the spine that ... v0.1.10/go.mod h1:vtUimtf7Nq9EdvD5WTpfCr69KL1M7bcgOVKiYBiAY/c= v0.1.4 h1:BPNPOQr6HkXG3iY/BrfvUKUl+A7gYsGKVSxvoR3PO50= v0.1.4/go.mod h1:dKvcu/sb3fZ88uGv9vzAqUej6J4W+pHu5GqjRuFwAWs= git...
To update the DNS for accessing AWS services through interface endpoints, you can either enable private DNS or manually create an Amazon Route 53 private hosted zone. Make sure the AWS service supports private DNS. If not, then opt for creating a private hosted zone. ...
Based on the TTL (Time To Live) of your Amazon Route 53 DNS zone file, end users slowly resolve the application to AWS, in this case within 300 seconds. Once this TTL period had elapsed the customer brought their application back online and exited their...
シングルアカウントAWS環境でハイブリッドネットワークのDNS解像度を設定する Amazon でボットを自動的にセットアップ UiPath RPAする EC2 Oracle JD Edwards のディザスタリカバリをセットアップする EnterpriseOne S3 バケットを CloudFormation スタックとして正常にインポ...