亚马逊AWS 蓝绿部署在AWS上的实践模式_武杰
DisableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport DisassociateAddress DisassociateRouteTable EnableVgwRoutePropagation EnableVolumeIo EnableVpcClassicLink EnableVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport GetConsoleOutput GetHostReservationPurchasePreview GetPasswordData ImportImage ImportKeyPair ImportSnapshot ModifyCapacityReservation ModifyHosts ModifyI...
If we registered a new domain name, we're ready to set up Amazon Route 53 as our DNS provider. However, in our case, we need to transfer existing DNS records from our current DNS provider to Amazon Route 53 in order to ensure the continued availability of the services hosted under the...
Change Propagation to Route 53 DNS Servers When you submit a ChangeResourceRecordSets request, Route 53 propagates your changes to all of the Route 53 authoritative DNS servers managing the hosted zone. While your changes are propagating, GetChange returns a status of PENDING. When propagation ...
You can use any domain name but you must be using AWS Route53 for your DNS hosting. To migrate DNS records from an existing domain follow the instructions here. The requirements to use a custom domain name: Route53 must include a hosted zone for your domain (e.g. with ...
Apex DNS names: Once upon a time, you couldn’t assign an CLB to an apex DNS record (i.e. instead of because it needed to be an A record instead of a CNAME. This is now possible with a Route 53 alias record directly pointing to the load balancer. ...
Using the improved logic in the Advanced JDBC Wrapper Driver, you can improve the availability of writes from your application while performing a minor version upgrade on an RDS Multi-AZ cluster without having to worry about DNS propagation delays ...
This is a significant improvement over connecting your application directly to the writer, which can have a write downtime up to 35 seconds due to DNS propagation delays. Using PgBouncer in front of your Amazon RDS Multi-AZ DB cluster for PostgreSQL has y...
However, clients as well as intermediate DNS servers often cache DNS records as specified by the TTL value in the record, so there can be a delay in propagation of the updated records to the clients. This can lead to increased downtime of your applications as observed by clients. Such an...
policies,internetgateways,andDomainNameSystem(DNS)servers.Hence,Option2is thecorrectanswer. YouusethesefeaturestotightlymanagetheflowofdatabetweenyourAmazonRedshift clusterandotherresources.WhenyouuseEnhancedVPCRoutingtoroutetrafficthrough yourVPC,youcanalsouseVPCflowlogstomonitorCOPYandUNLOADtraffic.If EnhancedVPC...