Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, MO, USA. Background/Aims: Respiratory viral illness is common in childhood and rapid viral identification may enhance patient care by reducing unnecessary antibiotics and length of hospital stay (LOS). Although antigen tests for influenza and RSV...
Section of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Department of Gastroenterology, The Children's Hospital, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. The diagnosis of Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy (MSP) in a 15-month old Caucasian male was confirmed by marked and rapid improvement of his failure to thrive...
35 MEDICAL HOME FOR NICU DISCHARGES AS TRANSITIONAL PRIMARY CARE-ELEVEN YEAR FOLLOW-UP G Srinivasan, A Harrison, B Shryock-Kastak, M Del Pino. Sinai Children's Hospital Chicago, IL. Background: Care after discharge from NICU is a complex task in inner city hospitals due to target ...
This has resulted in an overall improvement of outcomes for many children with otherwise difficult to cure disorders. Even so, the risk of death associated with pediatric HSCT and subsequent need for admission to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) has been recognized as substantial. Review-...