Even though I am glad to have her here with us – and to still know the sense of home and permanence her presence provides – there is a part of me which almost wishes that the Band-Aid be ripped off already. I wrote a song called “House of Cards” in which I ponder this strange...
How to Let Go of Past Hurts & Move Forward - 11 Proven Tips (January 10, 2020) 13 Proven Benefits of Limiting Screen Time for Kids (January 9, 2020) How to Choose a Martial Arts School For Your Child (January 3, 2020) Benefits of Facing Your Fears - 7 Proven Ways (January 2, 20...
One of the pleasures of my Dubai life has been meeting the good folk from Ludwig salon. They invited me, randomly, through the riveting power of cyber searches, to be the guest speaker at their second salon event in Dubai. A small select group of good people were to meet, eat (whatever...
8. Hugs and touch. Mom AND Dad–he needs these from both of you.9. Healthy food. A Middle Schooler is old enough to understand that his food choices will affect his health, his acne, and his moods. Try hard to have healthy food at home, and help him make good choices when he is...