Read Aloudhighlights each word as it reads your document to you. Use Read Aloud to hear your document narrated to you or to support your understanding when reading any Word document. Open a document. Click or tap where you would like Read Aloud to begin playing. ...
We're excited to share with you that the Read Aloud feature, previously available in Word on desktop and mobile devices, is now available in Word for iPad and Android tablets as well. That means you can now use the feature across all your devices and platforms! Read Aloud takes advan...
I am using read aloud to help the next stage of proofreading my 11-novel series. (I got a little carried away!) My version of word has the Natural voices version (male and female) rather than the older, more robotic voices. But sometimes, at the end ...
If you use OneNote Learning Tools, Learning Tools in Word, and Read Aloud in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Edge, you can download and apply new languages and voices for text-to-speech features. Important: Not all language packs support text-to...
Speak is a built-in feature of Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and OneNote. Speak reads aloud only the text you select. Read Aloud reads the entire document starting from your cursor location like an audiobook. To use Speak: Select a word or block of text in your document. ...
Word Sketch with Your Trackpad: Move your finger on the trackpad and watch ink flow across the screen. Learn More Make Your Images Accessible: When you insert a picture, Office suggests captions that can be read by people with vision impairments. Word update package Excel Sketch with Your ...
Ignite literacy on World Read Aloud Day Before the written word, stories were shared and passed down aloud to preserve culture, knowledge, and insight. This is the tradition that sparks World Read Aloud Day: a proven history of building literacy, improving spelling through enunciation, ...
GoToIntranetSiteForSingleWordEntryInAddressBar 强制直接 Intranet 站点导航,而不是在地址栏中搜索单个词条 HSTSPolicyBypassList 配置将跳过 HSTS 策略检查的名称列表 HardwareAccelerationModeEnabled 使用图形加速(如果可用) HeadlessModeEnabled 控制无外设模式的使用 HideFirstRunExperience 隐藏首次运行体验和初始屏幕 Hide...
ReadAloudEnabled 在Microsoft Edge 中啟用大聲朗讀功能 RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall 防止安裝 BHO,將不相容的網站從 Internet Explorer 重新導向至 Microsoft Edge RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerRedirectMode 將不相容的網站從 Internet Explorer 重新導向至 Microsoft Edge RelatedMatchesCloudServiceEnabled...
More natural voice options for Read Aloud: Try out a new, more natural sounding voice in the Read Aloud toolbar. Learn moreSee details in blog post DLP policy tips in Word/Excel/PowerPoint: Other sensitive information types configured as part of OneDrive and SharePoint data loss prevention (...