I'm trying to use Read Aloud in Word and can only get access to "male" and "female" voices. I know there are others, Msft David, Msft Zira, and a whole bunch of others. I've used them in other progra... Doug_Robbins_Word_MVP Thanks for the reply, Doug. I'd already tried...
When you finish using Read Aloud, use theXon the right of the controls to close and exit. You can then continue working on or reading your Word document as usual. Use Read Aloud in Word on the Web If you use Microsoft Word on the web, you can use Read Aloud within the Immersive Rea...
I've spent days scouring the Internet, desperately trying to find a way to add modern natural voices to Read Aloud in Word 365 on my Windows 11. There used to be a pleasant voice available for mo... J_Pearce A Microsoft tech told me yesterday that developers were aware of ...
Word 2016 OneNote 2016 沉浸式阅读器 如果使用 OneNote 学习工具、Word中的学习工具,并在 Microsoft 365 和 Microsoft Edge 中大声朗读,则可以下载并应用文本转语音功能的新语言和语音。 重要: 并非所有语言包都支持文本转语音。 查看具...
If you use OneNote Learning Tools, Learning Tools in Word, and Read Aloud in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Edge, you can download and apply new languages and voices for text-to-speech features. Important:Not all language packs support text-to-speech.View languages...
You can also select between male and female voices. If you click on a word like “install”, a clipart is generated showing someone trying to install something, plus a speaker icon that you can click to listen to its pronunciation.
Click OK. This turns the dictation in Word on. It'll start listening for your voice. Now you can talk and what you say appears as text in MS Word. When you press the dictate button a menu appears. Make sure that you're in a quiet environment. If other voices are around, your ...
You can pause the reading, change the reading speed, or select a different voice from the Read Aloud controls that pop up in the upper right-hand corner of your document. Click on the gear icon to change the speed or voice. All of the voices sound fairly robotic, but they get the job...
Move to the right to increase speed and to the left to decrease it. PressPlayto hear the different speeds. Use theVoice Selectiondropdown menu to choose different voices for the reader. Select a voice and then pressPlayto hear it. SelectXto closeRead Aloud....
If you are using voices that are installed on Windows 10 and later under the Time & Language section of Windows Settings and want to clear the local cache for any voices you previously used, go to edge://settings/clearBrowserData.When you start Read aloud, Microsoft Edge uses the Web ...