LineSpacingRule LineUnitAfter LineUnitBefore MirrorIndents NoLineNumber OutlineLevel PageBreakBefore Parent ReadingOrder RightIndent Shading SpaceAfter SpaceAfterAuto SpaceBefore SpaceBeforeAuto 样式 TabStops TextboxTightWrap WidowControl WordWrap Paragraphs 对象 ...
wdLineSpaceExactly行距絕對不會變更從指定的LineSpacing值,即使段落中使用較大的字型。 必須指定wdLineSpaceMultipleLineSpacing屬性值,以點為單位。 範例 本範例會將選取段落的行距設定為三倍行距。 VB WithSelection.Paragraphs .LineSpacingRule = wdLineSpaceMultiple .LineSpacing = LinesToPoints(3)EndWith ...
程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 返回或设置指定段落的行距 (以磅为单位)。 C# 复制 public float LineSpacing { get; set; } 属性值 Single 注解 在属性设置为 后 LineSpacingRule ,可以设置 LineSpacing 属性: wdLineSpaceAtLeast- 行距可以大于或等于指定的 LineSpacing 值,但不能小于。 wdLin...
Change the line spacing in Word You can control the vertical space between the lines of text in your document by setting the line spacing. Or, you can change the vertical space between paragraphs in your document by setting the spacing before or spacing after paragraphs. You can also choose ...
Training: Change the line spacing in your document to make it look how you want. Watch this video to learn how.
讀取/寫入 WdLineSpacing。語法expression. LineSpacingRule需要expression。 代表 'Paragraphs' 集合的變數。註解使用wdLineSpaceSingle、 wdLineSpace1pt5 或wdLineSpaceDouble ,將行距設定為下列值之一。 若要將行距設點確實數或多行數,您也必須設定 LineSpacing 屬性。
wdLineSpaceAtLeast3Line spacing is always at least a specified amount. The amount is specified separately. wdLineSpaceDouble2Double spaced. wdLineSpaceExactly4Line spacing is only the exact maximum amount of space required. This setting commonly uses less space than single spacing. ...
There are 3 Aspects to Line Spacing : Space Before Paragraph Space After Paragraph Space between the lines Note that, all of these depend on the font size we are using. Method 1: From the Line & Paragraph Spacing button from the Home tab ...
wdLineSpaceExactlyLine spacing is only the exact maximum amount of space required. This setting commonly uses less space than single spacing. wdLineSpaceMultipleLine spacing determined by the number of lines indicated. See Also Reference Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace...
商业版 全新 Surface Windows 11 AI+ PC 商用版,现已推出 Intel 首款搭载全新英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra 处理器 (Series 2) 的 Surface Windows 11 AI+ PC 重磅登场。 关注Microsoft 企业 Microsoft Cloud Microsoft 安全 Azure Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365 ...