ForSpacing between the lines, Choose an appropriate number from the Spacing between the lines area (refer to the below image) Choose1forSingle Spacing between the lines. Add Space Before Paragraphadds a space before the paragraph (1 space = 8 pts = 1.08 inches). No changes are done to the...
名前空間: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing アセンブリ: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll パッケージ: DocumentFormat.OpenXml v3.0.1 SpacingBetweenLines クラスを定義します。 このクラスは、Office 2007 以降で使用できます。 オブジェクトを xml としてシリアル化されるときに、修飾名は w:...
expression。 LineSpacing表达 表示“ParagraphFormat”对象的表达式。备注使用LinesToPoints 方法可将行数转换为相应的值(以磅为单位)。 例如, LinesToPoints(2) 返回值 24。LineSpacingRule 属性设置为后,可以设置 LineSpacing 属性:大于或等于,但永远不会低于指定的 LineSpacing 值,可以是 wdLineSpaceAtLeast 的行...
Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 返回或设置指定段落的行距 (以磅为单位)。 C# 复制 public float LineSpacing { get; set; } 属性值 Single 注解 在属性设置为 后 LineSpacingRule ,可以设置 LineSpacing 属性: wdLineSpaceAtLeast- 行距可以大于或等于指定的 LineSpacing 值,但不能小于...
For single spacing, selectNo Paragraph Space. Change line spacing for part of your document Select the paragraphs you want to change. SelectHome>Line and Paragraph Spacing, and choose the spacing you want. To customize spacing, select Line Spacing Options. You can adjust several areas including ...
You can control the vertical space between the lines of text in your document by setting the line spacing. Or, you can change the vertical space between paragraphs in your document by setting the spacing before or spacing after paragraphs. You can also choose to keep lines of text ...
Line space is the amount of vertical space between lines of text in a paragraph. Line spacing is typically based on the height of the characters, but you can change it to a specific value. For example, some paragraphs may be single spaced and some double-spaced. Single-spacing is Word’...
Normal template for all future documents. You can also set the spacing between paragraphs in a single document or in the template. By default, Word 2011 inserts 1 1/2 spaces between paragraphs. Decrease the paragraph spacing setting to single space, if desired, in the Line Spacing Options ...
expression。LineSpacing 表達表示 'Paragraphs' 物件的運算式。 註解 使用LinesToPoints方法,將行數轉換為對應的點數值。 例如,LinesToPoints(2)會傳回 24。 在LineSpacingRule屬性設定之後可以設定LineSpacing屬性: wdLineSpaceAtLeast行距可以大於或等於,但絕不會小於,指定的LineSpacing值。
Word) (WdLineSpacing 列舉 發行項 2023/04/07 4 位參與者 意見反應 會指定套用至段落的行距格式。 展開資料表 名稱值描述 wdLineSpace1pt5 1 空格與半行間距。 間距等於目前的字型大小加 6 點。 wdLineSpaceAtLeast 3 行距一律至少是指定的數量。 金額會個別指定。 wdLineSpaceDouble 2 雙行間距。 wd...