Granularity可选WdGranularity指定是否按字符还是按 word 跟踪更改。 默认值为wdGranularityWordLevel。 CompareFormatting可选Boolean指定是否标记两个文档之间的差别。 默认值为True。 CompareCaseChanges可选Boolean指定是否标记两个文档之间的差异情况。 默认值为True。
CompareTarget可选Variant比较的目标文档。 可以是任何WdCompareTarget常量。 DetectFormatChanges可选Boolean真(默认值) 进行比较以包含检测到的格式更改。 IgnoreAllComparisonWarnings可选Variant真正比较文档,而不必通知用户有问题存在。 默认值为False。 AddToRecentFiles可选VariantTrue将文档添加到文件菜单上最近使用的文件...
Granularity選用WdGranularity會指定由字元或 word 是否追蹤的變更。 預設值為wdGranularityWordLevel。 CompareFormatting選用布林值指定是否要標記的格式設定的兩個文件之間的差異。 預設值為True。 CompareCaseChanges選用布林值指定是否要標記案例中的兩個文件之間的差異。 預設值為True。
比较两个文档并返回一个Document对象,该对象表示包含两个文档,并使用修订标记之间的差别的文档。 语法 expression。CompareDocuments(_OriginalDocument_,_RevisedDocument_,_Destination_,_Granularity_,_CompareFormatting_,_CompareCaseChanges_,_CompareWhitespace_,_CompareTables_,_CompareHeaders_,_CompareFootnotes_,_Comp...
Learn more about the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass.CompareDocuments in the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word namespace.
Comparing Two Documents To compare two documents in Microsoft Word, all you need to do is: Find this useful? Subscribe to our newsletter and get writing tips from our editors straight to your inbox. Your e-mail addressSubscribe Go toReview>Compareon the main ribbon ...
Word 2016 Open both of the files that you want to compare. On the View tab, in the Window group, click View Side by Side. Notes: To scroll both documents at the same time, click Synchronous Scrolling in the Window group on the View tab. If you don't see Synchronous S...
11.1About Comparing Managed Word Documents Desktop Integration Suite ties in to Microsoft Word's built-in document comparison features by enabling you to compare the current document in Word with a file on a content server. You can compare the current document with an earlier revision of that sam...
For whatever reason, you have two or more Word Documents and don’t have the time (or the sanity) to manually compare them. In this post we will walk you through the best way to compare two Microsoft Word Documents, saving you a whole heap of time and frustration. It’s as easy as...
Granularity省略可能WdGranularity文字または単語に変更を追跡するかどうかを指定します。 既定値はwdGranularityWordLevelです。 CompareFormatting省略可能ブール型 (Boolean)2 つの文書の書式の違いをマークするかどうかを指定します。 既定値はTrueです。