Word 2021 Word 2019 Word 2016 Open both of the files that you want to compare. On the View tab, in the Window group, click View Side by Side. Notes: To scroll both documents at the same time, click Synchronous Scrolling in the Window group on the View tab. If you don...
it’s difficult to use a simple compare feature or compare button in Microsoft Word or another word processor. Side-by-side comparison isn’t helpful either because it solely compares two documents and does not take into account the millions of other works out there. ...
Word 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 以并排模式打开两个窗口。 C# 复制 public bool CompareSideBySideWith (ref object Document); 参数 Document Object 必需的 对象。 在并排窗口中查看的文档。 返回 Boolean 注解 不能将 CompareSideBySideWith 方法与 对象或 ActiveDocument 属性一起...
See also:View and Compare Documents in Wordfor side-by-side comparison. See also:Compare v. Combine - What is the Difference?by legal guru Deborah Savadra In ribbon versions of Word, this is done using the Compare button on the Review Tab. ...
不能使用CompareSideBySideWith方法与应用程序对象或ActiveDocument属性。 示例 下面的示例将两个新文档放置在相邻的窗口中。 VB DimobjDoc1AsWord.DocumentDimobjDoc2AsWord.DocumentSetobjDoc1 = Documents.AddSetobjDoc2 = Documents.Add objDoc2.Activate objDoc2.Windows.CompareSideBySideWith objDoc1 Windows.Reset...
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll C# 複製 public virtual Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document CompareDocuments (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document OriginalDocument, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document RevisedDocument, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdCompareDestination Destination =...
Granularity可选WdGranularity指定是否按字符还是按 word 跟踪更改。 默认值为wdGranularityWordLevel。 CompareFormatting可选Boolean指定是否标记两个文档之间的差别。 默认值为True。 CompareCaseChanges可选Boolean指定是否标记两个文档之间的差异情况。 默认值为True。
Destination 可选 WdCompareDestination 指定是否要创建新文件或是否标记两个文档在原始文档或修订文档之间的差异。 默认值为 wdCompareDestinationNew。 Granularity 可选 WdGranularity 指定是否按字符还是按 word 跟踪更改。 默认值为 wdGranularityWordLevel。 CompareFormatting 可选 Boolean 指定是否标记两个文档之间的差...
wdDialogToolsCompareDocuments CompareDestination、 DetectFormatting、 IgnoreCompareWarn、 UseFormatFrom、 AddToMru、 Merge、 FilterPrivacy、 FilterDateAndTime、 Name、 CompareAuthor wdDialogToolsCreateDirectory Directory wdDialogToolsCreateEnvelope ExtractAddress、 LabelListIndex、 LabelIndex、 LabelDotMatrix、 La...
ClickMore, and then select the settings for what you want to compare in the documents. UnderShow changes, choose whether you want to show character or word level changes. If you do not want to display changes in a third document, choose which document you want...