ed2k://|file|cn_windows_10_business_editions_version_20h2_updated_march_2021_x86_dvd_130708b1.iso|4442451968|1547797FBC448DB07CD0BC829EEACF69|/ magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3C81ACA97C5FB1BFC9D99E4DB007374BEA0CFE8C&dn=cn_windows_10_business_editions_version_20h2_updated_march_2021_x86_dvd_130...
There is no OFFICIAL Windows 10 version 1511 iso download available. The one you can find from the web is Media Creation Tool (MCT), or Microsoft's Download Windows 10Disc Image (ISO File). They will give you Windows 10 version1607 isonot 1511. MCT link https://www.microsoft.com/en-c...
在PowerShell 中,使用Get-FileHash来计算所下载的 ISO 文件的哈希值。例如:Get-FileHash C:\Users\user1\Downloads\Contoso8_1_ENT.iso 如果SHA256 输出与Windows10EnterpriseHashValues.pdf中列出的你所下载的产品的值相匹配,这证实了此文件并未遭到损坏、篡改或修改,与原始文件一样。
Took a while to figure this one out. I know this is "answered" but I wanted to drop this link here since it's the top thread on Bing I found. From another thread I eventually read, this link worked to download a usable ISO file for Win10 Pro. Looks like it's for shops that do...
ISO file name: MDT Production x64.iso In the Drivers and Patches sub tab, select the WinPE x64 selection profile and select the Include all drivers from the selection profile option. In the Monitoring tab, select the Enable monitoring for this deploymen...
Do this action to make the filename simple to recognize and type. Copy the VHD to a second file also in the C:\VHD directory and name this VHD 2012R2-poc-2.vhd. Download the Windows 10 Enterprise ISO file to the C:\VHD directory on your Hyper-V host. You can select the type, ...
ISO file name:Windows 10 Offline Media.iso 同樣在 [Windows PE] 索引標籤的 [Platform]*** 下拉式清單中,選取 [x64]。 在[General]*** 子索引標籤中,設定下列設定: 在[Lite Touch Boot Image Settings] 區域中: Image description:MDT Production x64 在[Windows PE Customizations]*** 區域中,將...
dism /export-image /SourceImageFile:C:\1\install.esd /DestinationImageFile:C:\1\install.wim /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity If you are a volume license cumtomer, we could try to download the iso from MSDN subscriber. The image download...
Microsoft ISO Downloader Premium 2019是当前最新的一款微软Windows/Office下载工具,支持下载windows全系列(win10/win7/win8)系统以及Office 2010-2019版本,专业版、预览版、正式版啥的都是非常齐全的,有需要的下载微软镜像的朋友一定不要错过哦。 使用方法: ...
Md c:\mount\winre Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:C:\mount\windows\Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:\mount\winre 疑難解答:如果掛接作業失敗,請確定您使用的是隨 Windows ADK 一起安裝的 Windows 10 版本 DISM,而不是來自技術人員計算機的較舊版本。 請勿將映像掛接至受保護...