您已路由到此頁面,因為您使用的作業系統不支援 Windows 10 媒體建立工具,我們想要確定您可以下載 Windows 10。若要使用媒體建立工具,請從 Windows 7、Windows 8.1 或 Windows 10 裝置造訪Microsoft 軟體下載 Windows 10 頁面。 您可以使用此頁面下載可用於安裝或重新安裝 Windows 10 的光碟映像 (ISO 檔案)。此映像...
downloading-iso-media-1644481326XqU1px 5:iso 文件下载并校验完成后就结束了,点击完成即可。不过如果你想要刻录DVD的话点击打开刻录机即可: burn-or-done-1644481341kcs81U -- 参考链接: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/create-an-iso-file-for-windows-10-38547366-1dcb-7afd-1726-9eb222d727...
你可以使用此页面下载可用于安装或重新安装 Windows 10 的光盘映像(ISO 文件)。该映像还可用于使用 USB 闪存驱动器或 DVD 创建安装媒体。 Windows 10 2023 更新 | 版本 22H2 选择版本 以下Windows 10 版本对于 Windows 10 家庭版和 Windows 10 专业版都有效。
不同於之前版本的 Windows,您將需要使用媒體建立工具,才能建立用來安裝 Windows 10 的 ISO 檔案。 請確定您有安裝 Windows 10 的授權,並依照下列步驟執行: 在[Windows 10下載] 頁面上,選取 [立即下載] 來下載媒體建立工具,然後執行工具。 在工具中,選取 [為其他電腦建立安裝媒體 (USB 快閃磁片磁碟機、DVD 或 ...
Unlike in previous versions of Windows, you’ll need to use the media creation tool to create an ISO file to install Windows 10. Make sure you have a license to install Windows 10, and then follow these steps: On theWindows 10 download page, download the media creation tool by selecti...
Step 5.On Choose which media to use window, choose "ISO file". Then, you need to burn the ISO file to a DVD later. Step 6.Set a file path and start to download Windows 10 ISO file. If you still have problems with Windows 10 ISO download, you canwatch this Windows ISO disc image...
Windows PowerShell是一款功能强大的命令行工具,内置在Windows 10系统中。它可以用来计算文件的哈希值,从而验证文件的完整性。以下是使用PowerShell验证ISO文件完整性的步骤:a). 以管理员身份打开Windows PowerShellb). 导航至ISO文件所在目录c). 使用以下命令计算文件的SHA256哈希值:Get-FileHash <ISO文件路径> -...
How to open an ISO file on Windows 10 without burning or mounting? This how-to article teaches you how to open and view an ISO file by using free software without burning it to a DVD. If your download ISO file is lost due to accidental deletion or hard drive formatting, download and ...
Click on the Download Link:After selecting the desired version, language, and architecture, click on the download link provided on the website. This will initiate the Windows 10 ISO file download to your computer. Choose the Destination Folder:When prompted, select the folder to save the downloa...
exe in Windows 10 Can't install .NET Framework 3.5 feature (0x800f0922) Can't mount iso files anymore, Problem with NTFS Can't open ANY .js file on my computer (Error 800A03EC) Can't open any file folders w/ Windows 10 Can't open iview with Microsoft edge Can't open or rename...