Virus Total は、疑わしいファイルや URL を分析し、ウイルス対策エンジンと Web サイト スキャナーを使用してマルウェアや悪意のあるコンテンツの種類を検出するオンライン サービスです。 ユーザーが VirusTotal によって生成された情報にアクセスできるようにする API を提供します。
Healthcare, government, utilities, businesses, and universities have all been victimized by gangs of hackers. It wasn’t always this way, though. Historically, ransomware was a commodity effort, meaning attacks were automated and spread like a virus. Phishers spammed as many accounts as possible ...
Help protect your multiplatform and IoT devices with a comprehensive, industry-leading next-generation antivirus, detection, and response solution at the core of Microsoft Defender XDR.Watch the video Learn how to secure your devices and disrupt ransomware across all platforms with Defender for Endpo...
Accesso controllato alle cartelle. Proteggere i file nelle cartelle chiave del sistema dalle modifiche apportate da app dannose e sospette, inclusa la crittografia dei file da parte di malware ransomware. Può anche bloccare i settori del disco. Per funzionare richiede Antivirus Micro...
Cloudmersive Virus Scan CloudTools for Salesforce Cloverly (Independent Publisher) CMI CO2 Signal (Independent Publisher) CobbleStone Contract Insight Cognito Forms Cognizant Automation Center Cohere (Independent Publisher) Coinbase (Independent Publisher) Commercient Companies House (Independent Publisher) Compa...
CDK Drive Customer CDK Drive Service Vehicles Celonis Centrical Certopus CGTrader Chatter Checkly (Independent Publisher) Chuck Norris IO (Independent Publisher) cioplenu Cireson Service Manager Portal Cisco Webex Meetings Citymapper (Independent Publisher) CivicPlus Transform Clearbit (Independent Publisher)...
Virus Total VitaCloud Quotes Viva Engage Vocean Voice Monkey (Independent Pubshisher) VoiceRSS (Independent Pubisher) Vonage Waaila Way We Do Wayback Machine (Independent Publisher) Weather Forecast (Independent Publisher) Weavo Liquid Loom Webex Webex Integration (Independent Publisher) Webhood URL Sc...
Cloudmersive Virus Scan CloudTools for Salesforce Cloverly (Independent Publisher) CMI CO2 Signal (Independent Publisher) CobbleStone Contract Insight Cognito Forms Cognizant Automation Center Cohere (Independent Publisher) Coinbase (Independent Publisher) Commercient Companies House (Independent Publisher) Compa...
AzureADTenantId string 与此设备的 AAD 设备 ID 相对应的 GUID。 _BilledSize real 记录大小(字节) 市/县 string 根据IP 地址最后一次报告的设备位置(城市)。 国家/地区 string 根据IP 地址最后一次报告的设备位置(国家/地区)。 显示为国家/地区代码。 DeviceFamily string 设备系列,如个人电脑、手机。 Device...
CDK Drive Customer CDK Drive Service Vehicles Celonis Centrical Certopus CGTrader Chatter Checkly (Independent Publisher) Chuck Norris IO (Independent Publisher) cioplenu Cireson Service Manager Portal Cisco Webex Meetings Citymapper (Independent Publisher) CivicPlus Transform Clearbit (Independent Publisher)...