確認防火牆保護已開啟Get-Service -Name mpssvc 作為PowerShell 的替代方案,您可以使用命令提示字元來確認 Microsoft Defender 防病毒軟體正在執行。 若要這樣做,請從命令提示字元執行下列命令: Windows 命令提示字元 sc query Windefend 命令會sc query傳回 Microsoft Defender 防病毒...
此建議包括 wscsvc、 SecurityHealthService、 MsSense、 Sense、 WinDefend或MsMpEng 服務和程式。 手動修改這些服務可能會在您的裝置上造成嚴重的不穩定,並可能會使您的網路變得容易受到攻擊。 停用、停止或修改這些服務也會在使用非Microsoft防病毒軟體解決方案時造成問題,以及其資訊在 Windows 安全性 應用程式中的...
如果在 Windows 客户端上禁用了 Windows 安全中心 Center Service,则Microsoft Defender防病毒无法检测第三方防病毒安装,并且将保持活动状态。 这可能会导致Microsoft Defender防病毒和第三方防病毒之间发生冲突,因为两者都会尝试提供主动保护。 这将影响性能,不受支持。
###ConfigMgr Management of Microsoft Defender Core service enforcement#"Microsoft Defender Core service is a new service to help keep the reliability and performance of Microsoft Defender Antivirus.#Check Log File for enforcement status - C:\Windows\temp\ConfigDefenderCoreService-<TimeStamp>.log###...
U bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor het beschermen van uw computer tegen verstoringen, spyware of virussen die mogelijkerwijs optreden of actief worden bij het downloaden van items vanuit de service. We raden u aan een antivirusprogramma op uw computer te installeren en het up-to-date te hou...
Products and services: Microsoft Defender for Cloud Sort by: Newest to oldest Clear selections Sort by Relevance Newest to oldest Oldest to newest Nothing found Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords. ...
If you have more than one computer sharing an Internet connection, use a firewall only on the computer that is directly connected to the Internet. Do not use a firewall on the other computers that share the Internet connection. Using a firewall should not affect your e-mail service or Web...
https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-other_settings/antimalware-service-executable-eats-memory/2023347e-75b0-4fc3-a829-d83c56041aca?rtAction=1738911939008&page=1 started from there, now I just want to be able to change… ...
F Secure: Uninstalling F-Secure Internet Security/Anti-Virus:http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/support/article/kba/2109 Kaspersky: Removal tool for Kaspersky Lab products:http://support.kaspersky.com/kis2010/service?qid=208279463 ...
https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-other_settings/antimalware-service-executable-eats-memory/2023347e-75b0-4fc3-a829-d83c56041aca?rtAction=1738911939008&page=1 started from there, now I just want to be able to change… ...