若要为 System Center - Operations Manager 配置警报通知,第一个任务是启用通知通道。 本文介绍如何配置通道,从组织域内的电子邮件服务器或外部电子邮件身份验证向订阅者发送警报通知。 在开始之前,请收集以下信息: SMTP 服务器信息 完全限定的域名 (FQDN)。
您可以定義自訂警示規則來監控篩選的資料檢視,並在發生預定義事件時自動傳送電子郵件通知。 傳送電子郵件通知的選項適用於所有已支援的警示類型,您還可以在現有警示規則下打開它們。 您可以使用內建控制項建立可監控系統批次作業的篩選檢視的警示規則。 透過監控狀態欄位的值,您還可以設定在批...
Email notifications in Project Web App can help you stay on top of what's coming, when things are due, and what's on your plate. Some notifications are set up by your manager, and other notifications are available for you to set up for yourself: ...
本文介绍如何为安全团队设置电子邮件通知。 如果可以为安全团队设置电子邮件通知,则每当生成任何警报或发现新漏洞时,都可以通过电子邮件通知他们。 需执行的操作 了解电子邮件通知的类型。 查看和编辑电子邮件通知设置。 继续执行后续步骤。 电子邮件通知的类型
您可以定义在预定义事件发生时监控筛选出的数据视图和自动发送电子邮件通知的自定义预警规则。 发送电子邮件通知的选项可用于所有支持的预警类型,也可为现有的预警规则打开。 您可以使用内置控件创建监控筛选出的系统批处理作业视图的预警规则。 通过监视状态字段值,还可以配置在批处理作业失败时发送电子邮件的预警规则。
How do I give feedback on these email notifications? We’d love to hear about your experience with notifications in Microsoft 365. Please use the comments section below to share any ideas or feedback. To leave a comment, choose "Yes" or "No" nex...
You can also add that other email address: - Under "Share and collaborate", change to "Specific people in my organization can view and edit" - In the box [Enter a name, group, or email address], enter the email address that you want to receive the notifications....
To help communicate any additions and changes that people make to your shared notebooks, OneNote may automatically send you email notifications about recent notebook activity. If you find these notifications helpful, you don’t have to do a thing. However, if you prefer n...
To help communicate any additions and changes that people make to your shared notebooks, OneNote may automatically send you email notifications about recent notebook activity. If you find these notifications helpful, you don’t have to do a thing. However, if you prefer no...