其結果與移至 [隔離] 頁面https://security.microsoft.com/quarantine?viewid=Email上的[Email] 索引卷標,然後按兩下第一個數據行旁邊複選框以外的任何數據列來選取訊息。 如需詳細資訊,請 參閱檢視隔離的郵件詳細數據。 版本:適用於使用隔離原...
移至Microsoft Defender 入口網站 (https://security.microsoft.com) 並登入。 在瀏覽窗格中選取 [設定],然後選取 [端點]。 然後,在 [一般] 底下,選取 [電子郵件通知]。 檢視在 [警示] 和[弱點] 索引標籤上的資訊。 如果您沒看到列在 [警示] 索引標籤上的任何項目,您可以建立規則,讓人員在產生...
移至Microsoft Defender 入口網站 (https://security.microsoft.com) 並登入。 在瀏覽窗格中選取 [設定],然後選取 [端點]。 然後,在 [一般] 底下,選取 [電子郵件通知]。 檢視在 [警示] 和[弱點] 索引標籤上的資訊。 如果您沒看到列在 [警示] 索引標籤上的任何項目,您可以建立規則,讓人員在產生警示時收到...
If you've chosen to use basic permissions management, users with Security Administrator or Global Administrator roles can configure email notifications. Likewise, if your organization is using role-based access control (RBAC), you can only create, edit, delete, and receive notifications based on ...
Email notifications in Project Web App can help you stay on top of what's coming, when things are due, and what's on your plate. Some notifications are set up by your manager, and other notifications are available for you to set up for yourself: Set up your ...
I'm excited to share with you that starting today, we will help you have more confidenceand visibility into your personal Microsoft account activities by giving yousecurity notificationsdelivered in the Microsoft Authenticator app. When important events—such as a password ...
TheNotificationspage of Windows Security settings lets you configure what kind of notifications you want to receive. You can find it by going to Settings in the lower left corner of the Windows Security app and selectingManage notifications. ...
TheNotificationspage of Windows Security settings lets you configure what kind of notifications you want to receive. You can find it by going to Settings in the lower left corner of the Windows Security app and selectingManage notifications. ...
TheNotificationspage of Windows Security settings lets you configure what kind of notifications you want to receive. You can find it by going to Settings in the lower left corner of the Windows Security app and selectingManage notifications. ...
{"__typename":"BlogTopicMessage","uid":328281,"subject":"Microsoft Authenticator app—now sends security notifications","id":"message:328281","revisionNum":26,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:53477"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Blog:boar...