iOS:iOS 9 Windows:Windows 10 and newer Android:Android OS 4.4 Web:Latest version of Safari, Chrome, Edge or Firefox Get help on your device How do I give feedback on Microsoft Office? Getting started with To-Do To-Do Quick Start guide...
內建 [我的一天] 和 [建議] 功能並與 Outlook 工作深度整合,讓 Microsoft To Do 成為兼具智慧功能與個人化內容的 App。 此 App 仍在開發階段,歡迎提供任何意見反應,並協助我們決定要優先提供哪些新功能! 取得有關 Microsoft To Do 的協助 Microsoft To Do 特別設計為可同步處理各裝置上的所有清單和待辦事項。
Dave Patrick replied to Anonymous Sep 11 201812:06 PM Looks like no. but I'd ask the developer here.
Set yourself up for success by managing, prioritizing, and completing your goals and tasks with Microsoft To Do.
Microsoft To Do To Do 让你从工作到娱乐都保持专注。 开始使用 了解详细信息 下载To Do To Do 的使用条款
To Do and Planner The best part is that you can use To Do and Planner together, to compliment each other. In To Do, selectAssigned to youto see tasks assigned to you. In Teams, see your To Do tasks and Planner tasks alongside each other using the Tasks app....
To Do and Planner The best part is that you can use To Do and Planner together, to compliment each other. In To Do, selectAssigned to youto see tasks assigned to you. In Teams, see your To Do tasks and Planner tasks alongside each other using the Tasks app....
Name Microsoft URL Microsoft LogicApps SupportMicrosoft Power Automate SupportMicrosoft Power Apps Support展開表格 Connector Metadata Publisher Microsoft Website Issues and LimitationsTo Do API has most of the Outlook Task capabilities. Please note that outlookTask...
Name Microsoft URL Microsoft LogicApps SupportMicrosoft Power Automate SupportMicrosoft Power Apps Support展開資料表 Connector Metadata Publisher Microsoft Website Issues and LimitationsTo Do API has most of the Outlook Task capabilities. Please note that outlookTas...
Name Microsoft URL Microsoft LogicApps SupportMicrosoft Power Automate SupportMicrosoft Power Apps Support展開表格 Connector Metadata Publisher Microsoft Website Issues and LimitationsTo Do API has most of the Outlook Task capabilities. Please note that outlookTask...