I'm updating this review a year or two after I first wrote it and other than pointing out that the iOS app supports multiple Microsoft accounts now (not Mac yet), it's still just as valid and I'm still using the app, which is impressive!
Microsoft's attempt to create a task manager for the average user produced an app that seems to have gotten itself stuck halfway between the business and private worlds by trying to serve too many demographics at once.
「我的一天」功能,让我选择了 Microsoft To-Do 今年9 月份,我告别了 2Do,把所有待办事项的管理转到了 Microsoft To-Do(以下简称 To-Do)。这款脱胎于奇妙清单的待办软件,早在 2017 年 4 月份发布预览版之际,我就在少数派撰文介绍过,不过彼时的预览版还是百废待兴。现在,我觉得有必要好好讲一讲,为什么我彻底...
Microsoft To Do 活动的审核事件需要付费Project 计划 1许可证 (或更高版本) ,以及相关的 Microsoft 365 许可证,其中包括审核 (Premium) 的权利。 展开表 友好名称操作说明 文件夹上的已接受共享链接 AcceptedSharingLinkOnFolder 文件夹的已接受共享链接。 已创建的附件 AttachmentCreated 已为任务创建附件。 附件...
Thanks to our ISV partners for trying out ISV Studio during the preview. After careful consideration and extensive review of partner feedback, we recognized the limitations of the service over time and acknowledged that it didn't provide the expected value. ISV Studio was deprecated on April 1,...
Assign value to one field based on dropdown selection in Infopath I have Microsoft Infopath 2013, please help me build for the below case I have dropdown called Review Name built with external data source called Lesson Learned which is a SharePoint list, another drop down called Review Type...
including any requests to exercise your data protection rights, to your organisation’s administrator. When you use social features in Microsoft products, other users in your network may see some of your activity. To learn more about the social features and other functionality, please review documen...
Review the Microsoft Intune Company Portal for Android license terms by clicking hereMicrosoft Application License Terms. Print and retain a copy of the license terms for your records. By downloading and using Microsoft Intune Company Portal for Android you agree to such license terms. If you do...
If you received your Microsoft account from a third party, the third party may have additional rights over your account, like the ability to access or delete your Microsoft account. Please review any additional terms the third party provided you, as Microsoft has no responsibility regarding these...
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