请尝试打开 Surface–如果没有问题,则配件可能是问题所在。 如果这不起作用,请连接专为 Surface 设计的电源。 当Surface 接通电源时,请为其充电至少 15 分钟。 按电源按钮以启动 Surface。 如果电源接头指示灯未亮起或开始闪烁,请参阅Surface 电池无法充电或 Surface 无法用电池运行。 2. 使用键盘快捷方式唤醒它:...
如果您的 Surface 無法開啟、開啟然後關閉,或啟動並卡在畫面上 —黑色畫面、有標誌的螢幕或其他螢幕— 以下是您可以嘗試來讓它再次運作的方法。 適用於 要先嘗試執行的動作 拔除配件,並確定您的 Surface 已充電 使用鍵盤快捷方式將它喚醒: (Ctrl+Shift+Win+B) ...
Surface If your Surface won’t turn on, turns on and then off, or starts and gets stuck on a screen—a black screen, a screen with a logo, or another screen—here's what you can try to get it working again. Things to try first ...
联系Surface 商业支持 & 教育版 Surface 硬件环境测试结果 商业保修和保护 Surface for Business 保修和保护计划 保修和保护计划条款和条件 管理Surface 保修 & 服务请求 检查设备保修状态 超出保修期的维修和费用 商业服务和维修 Surface for Business 服务和维修 ...
Microsoft Edge 开发工具支持 Surface Duo 仿真。 Microsoft Edge 开发工具能够仿真 Surface Duo,因此可测试 Web 内容在双屏设备上的显示效果。 若要在开发工具中打开此试验,请在 Windows 上按 Ctrl+Shift+M 或在 macOS 上按 Command+Shift+M 来输入设备模式,然后在设备下拉列表中选择 Surface Duo。 Microsoft Edge...
New Surface Pro 11th Edition, a Copilot+ PC is designed to pack ultra-powerful AI-acceleration into an ultra-portable laptop. Get to know the most powerful 2-in-1 laptop.
To start a document on your Surface and open it on your Android To view Sticky Notes on your Surface and Android device Start browsing the web on your phone, continue on your Surface computer After you have linked your Surface and Android, you can start doing things on ...
Surface turns off.If your Surface turns off instead of restarting after you complete the USB solution process, press and release the power button, and your Surface should start normally. USB solution not working. If the USB solution didn't work, ...
This section explains how to manually downgrade an individual Surface device to Windows 10. Note Some newer Surface devices are not compatible with Windows 10, including Surface Pro (11th Edition), Surface Pro 10 with 5G, Surface Laptop (7th Edition), and Surface Laptop Studio 2. ...
Caption for top image: Surface Laptop Studio 2 (Platinum) and Surface Laptop Go 3 (Ice Blue) sitting on white tables 1Copilot in Windows will start to release in preview to select global markets as part of our latest update to Windows 11. The initial markets for the Copilot in Windows ...