按电源按钮 20 秒钟强制重启 1. 断开配件并确保 Surface 已充电 与Surface 相连的配件可能是导致其无法打开的原因。 下面介绍如何检查是否为该原因: 断开所有 U 盘、SD 卡、USB 附件、外接显示器、键盘盖或其他已连接到 Surface 的任何设备。 如果使用的是 Surface Dock,请将 Surface 拔下。 请尝试打开 Surface...
按电源按钮 20 秒钟强制重启 1. 断开配件并确保 Surface 已充电 与Surface 相连的配件可能是导致其无法打开的原因。 下面介绍如何检查是否为该原因: 断开所有 U 盘、SD 卡、USB 附件、外接显示器、键盘盖或其他已连接到 Surface 的任何设备。 如果使用的是 Surface Dock,请将 Surface 拔下。 请尝试打开 Surface...
按电源按钮 20 秒钟强制重启 1. 断开配件并确保 Surface 已充电 与Surface 相连的配件可能是导致其无法打开的原因。 下面介绍如何检查是否为该原因: 断开所有 U 盘、SD 卡、USB 附件、外接显示器、键盘盖或其他已连接到 Surface 的任何设备。 如果使用的是 Surface Dock,请将 Surface 拔下。 请尝试打开 Surface...
Surface If your Surface won’t turn on, turns on and then off, or starts and gets stuck on a screen—a black screen, a screen with a logo, or another screen—here's what you can try to get it working again. Things to try first ...
If your Surface Duo still won’t start, charge it for 1 hour, then press the Power button to turn it on. If that doesn’t work and you have a different USB-C cable and USB power adapter, plug the USB-C cable into your Surface Duo and plug the power adapter into the wall outlet...
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Surface Pro 7 won't charge...have tried 3 power adapters. I bought this SP7 about 6 months ago 2nd hand after I started having problems with my SP3. About a month back it stopped charging. And the light stopped coming on when the power adapter was plugged in. I tried another power ...
Surface Pro 7 won't charge...have tried 3 power adapters. I bought this SP7 about 6 months ago 2nd hand after I started having problems with my SP3. About a month back it stopped charging. And the light stopped coming on when the power adapter was plugged in. I tried another power ...
SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Validate -Test "The policy $strPolicy does not require a device password" -Condition ($policy.PasswordEnabled -ne $True) -FailureMsg "PasswordEnabled - policy requires a device password - the Surface Hub won't be able to send mail or sync its ...