Office 365 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or Multi-Factor Authentication is the process of secure Authentication in which a user or an organizational employee have to provide two factors to gain the access to Office 365 data. Microsoft Office 365 Two-Factor Authentication starts with user ...
Configuring the two-step authentication security feature requires having the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone and then enabling the option in the Microsoft account. Set up Microsoft Authenticator app The first step to add an extra security layer to your account is configuring the Microsoft Au...
了解为什么多重身份验证 (MFA) 等保护措施比以往任何时候都更加重要。 了解详细信息 采用无密码模式 忘记密码 - 使用无密码身份验证引领组织走向未来。 了解详细信息 常见问题解答 全部展开|全部折叠 谁应该使用 2FA? 2FA 如何保护企业? 零信任和 2FA 有何关联?
为工作或学校帐户设置安全验证方法后,可以更新相关详细信息。 使用“安全信息”页 如果你的组织提供了有关如何启用和管理双重验证的特定步骤,你应该首先遵循这些说明。 否则,可以从“安全信息”页访问安全验证方法设置。 注意: 如果你在屏幕上看到的内容与本文中介绍的内容不匹配,则意味着你的组织提供了自己的自定义...
2 Factor Authentication sends a code through text, phone call, or with a mobile app like Microsoft Authenticator when accessing email through the Microsoft website. Please follow the steps below to configure 2 Factor Authentication. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free ...
2. 使用以下方法之一登录: 输入用户名。 如果最近使用密钥登录,系统会自动提示你使用密钥登录。 否则,请选择“其他登录方式”或选择“登录选项”,以便更方便地登录,而无需输入用户名。 选择“人脸”、“指纹”、“PIN”或“安全密钥”。 继续下一步。
了解多重要素驗證 (MFA) 等保護措施變得比以往更重要的原因。 深入了解 採用無密碼 擺脫密碼束縛,引領組織邁向無密碼驗證的未來。 深入了解 常見問題集 全部展開|全部摺疊 哪些對象適合使用 2FA? 2FA 保護企業的具體方式為何? 零信任和 2FA 有何關聯?
Let’s say you’ve already set up two-factor authentication for your Google account, and now a hacker halfway around the world is trying to break into your Gmail. He has your email address and even your password, but hedoesn’thave the second element of the authenticat...
Once your adminenablesyour organization, and your account, for multi-factor authentication (MFA) you have to set up your user account to use it. This should only take a minute or so. Tip:Want to know more about multi-factor authentication? SeeWhat is: Multifac...
Set up the Microsoft Authenticator app to send notifications On theAdditional security verification page, selectMobile appfrom theStep 1: How should we contact youarea. SelectReceive notifications for verificationfrom theHow do you want to use the mobile apparea, ...