了解为什么多重身份验证 (MFA) 等保护措施比以往任何时候都更加重要。 了解详细信息 采用无密码模式 忘记密码 - 使用无密码身份验证引领组织走向未来。 了解详细信息 常见问题解答 全部展开|全部折叠 谁应该使用 2FA? 2FA 如何保护企业? 零信任和 2FA 有何关联?
了解多重要素驗證 (MFA) 等保護措施變得比以往更重要的原因。 深入了解 採用無密碼 擺脫密碼束縛,引領組織邁向無密碼驗證的未來。 深入了解 常見問題集 全部展開|全部摺疊 哪些對象適合使用 2FA? 2FA 保護企業的具體方式為何? 零信任和 2FA 有何關聯?
Describes how to configure two-factor authentication between a device with an authenticator app and PlayFab.
Two-factor authentication uses your phone or the Microsoft Authenticator app to verify your log in. Go to Security basics and sign in with your Microsoft account. Select Advanced security options. Select Turn on or Turn off under Set up two-step verification. Follow the prompts to...
登录体验会有所不同,具体取决于你选择用作第二个因素的内容:电话呼叫、密钥、身份验证应用或使用短信。 使用电话登录工作或学校帐户 以下信息介绍通过拨打手机或办公电话进行双重验证的体验。 使用用户名和密码登录到 Microsoft 365 等应用程序或服务。 Microsoft 会向你拨打电话。
Office 365 Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or Multi-Factor Authentication is the process of secure Authentication in which a user or an organizational employee have to provide two factors to gain the access to Office 365 data. Microsoft Office 365 Two-Factor Authentication starts with user ...
验证 中的 EnableTwoFactorAuthentication和 操作方法是否具有[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] 属性:DisableTwoFactorAuthenticationManageController C# 复制 // // POST: /Manage/EnableTwoFactorAuthentication [HttpPost,ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public async Task<ActionResult> EnableTwoFactorAuthentication...
Clicking Two Factor authentication is the quicker route to take to where we need to go. but if that option isn't on your screen, click Advanced Security, where you can then find the two-factor activation button byscrolling down the page to Additional Securityand selecting it. ...
单击【Enable two-factor authentication】 启动Microsoft Authenticator,点击右上角【+】 选择其他账号,扫网页二维码后,添加成功 单击新增的账号,出现一组数字,输入Verify the code from the app 的文本框内 网页显示多组数据,这波数据一定要保存好。万一因为其他原因导致双重验证失败,找回账号使用!
Microsoft account two-step verification (Image credit: Mauro Huculak) Jump to: Enable security Add security Create app password Disable security Microsoft accounts come with support for two-step verification (also known as "two-factor authentication," "2FA," or "multi-factor authentication") to...