使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
PlayQuiz - Aprende 和 Juega 大呼 Plumm Poimapper Plus 依Udyamo 投票 Polly polumana Tour Route Planner POPP Cloud VoIP Connector 郵差 政府治理 Power Lunch 88 適用於第一線的PowerRoster PRATUS 預置 啟用365 顯示狀態 前端翻譯 Presentations AI Priority Matrix Priority Matrix Governme...
Quizmodeon Udyamo 的測驗 Quobis Phone R2 Copilot 坡道 Rattle Raygun 達到 觸達360 即時翻譯工具 RealWear 可接受 Awardco 的辨識 招聘人員流程 REFLEKT Reflektive 與 提醒 Udyamo 的提醒 RemindMyself Remotivo 由IntraActive 重播 救 資源中心 CareCare 新式技術服務人員 Revenue.ai Copilot (Base) Reversc...
Quizmodeon Udyamo によるクイズ Quobis Phone R2 Copilot ランプ Rattle Raygun Reach 360 に到達する リアルタイム翻訳ツール RealWear Receptful Awardco による表彰 Recruiterflow REFLEKT Reflektive 関係する Remind Udyamo によるリマインダー RemindMyself Remotivo IntraActive による再生 救助 リ...
PlayQuiz - Aprende and Juega Pleaz Plumm Poimapper Plus Polls by Udyamo Polly polumana Tour Route Planner POPP Cloud VoIP Connector Postman Powell Governance Power Lunch 88 PowerRoster for Frontline PRATUS Prelay Presence by Enable 365 PreSend Translate Presentations AI Priority Matrix Priority Matri...
You can see most of these activities in a mobile browser and in the Rewards tile in the mobile Bing and Microsoft Start apps. But some show up only in a desktop browser — for example, the daily quote, a news quiz once or twice a week, and the weekly puzzle. (This used to be mar...
You can speed through the quizzes without putting much effort into them and it won't matter. You'll still earn about 90 points in about 10 minutes, even if the answers aren't all right. Make sure to do your Rewards activities daily to maintain a streak. The streak will earn you bo...
These can include photos and videos, conditional (“if/then”) answers, and use the respondent’s name for a more personal two-way experience. What’s more, setup requires no coding knowledge. Templates are also available for building surveys and quizzes, with analytics to measure response ...
Another fantastic tool for boosting engagement and productivity at the same time,Pollyis a survey app that allows you to create surveys within Teams. When you add this app to your Teams platform, you’ll be able to instantly launch live Q&A sessions, quizzes, and more. ...
QuizFLIGHT Quizmodeon Udyamo 的測驗 R2 Copilot 坡道 Range Rattle Raygun 達到 觸達360 觸達360 歐盟 可接受 Awardco 的辨識 招聘人員流程 REFLEKT Reflektive 與 提醒 Udyamo 的提醒 RemindMyself Remotivo Remoto 遠端處理 由IntraActive 重播 救 Workplace 的馬利 資源中心 新式技術服務人員 Revenue....