使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
DailyBot Daktela Darktrace Communicator Darwinbox DAS 小幫手 依Moodbit 進行數據聊天 DataCamp Datadog DataGalaxy DataMiner Dataminr for News Dataminr Pulse DATEV Datenservice DBit 決定 DeepFabric Deeplink Chatbot 最終選擇 Degreed 延遲傳送 delibera Deltapath Talk 表示 辦公桌預約 desk.ly Desk365 ...
QuizFLIGHT Quizmodeon Udyamo によるクイズ R2 Copilot ランプ Rattle Raygun Reach 360 に到達する RealWear Receptful Awardco による表彰 Recruiterflow REFLEKT Reflektive 関係する Remind Udyamo によるリマインダー RemindMyself Remotivo IntraActive による再生 救助 リソース センター Rethink...
Request customer feedback and create quizzes, surveys, and competitions A popular use for agents is in customer-support scenarios. For example, an agent can assist you with troubleshooting, warranty, and repairs. Most people's experience with agents is in customer-support scenarios; however, more...
Quizmodeon Udyamo 的测验 Quobis Phone R2 Copilot 坡道 范围 摇铃 Raygun Reach 达到360 达到360 欧盟 实时翻译工具 RealWear 接受 由Awardco 认可 Recruiterflow REFLEKT Reflektive 与 Remind Udyamo 的提醒 提醒我自己 Remotivo Remoto 由IntraActive 重播 救 坚定的工作场所 资源中心 RethinkCare 启示支持人员 ...
They earn extra points (from 10 to 50 points each) and also count as the daily set shown in Figure 2. You don’t have to get the quiz answer right the first time in a quiz — you can keep trying answers until you hit the right one. But if it’s a “This or That” quiz, ...
photos and videos, conditional (“if/then”) answers, and use the respondent’s name for a more personal two-way experience. What’s more, setup requires no coding knowledge. Templates are also available for building surveys and quizzes, with analytics to measure response and drop-off rates...
Additionally or alternatively, the acquisition component 310 can acquire information with little overhead by providing a fun input mechanism such as by having players answer fun “quiz questions” together. For example, two players can come in anonymously and start playing immediately. After a round...
Quizmodeon Questionnaires par Udyamo Quobis Phone R2 Copilot Ramp Plage Rattle Raygun Reach Atteindre 360 Reach 360 UE Traducteur en temps réel RealWear Réceptible Reconnaissance par Awardco Recruiterflow REFLEKT Reflektive Relater Rappeler Reminders by Udyamo Rappelez-vous Remotivo Remoto Replay by...