表達代表Presentation物件的變數。 傳回值 Designs 範例 下列範例會針對使用中簡報內的每一項設計顯示一則訊息。 VB SubAddDesignMaster()DimdesNameAsDesignWithActivePresentationForEachdesNameIn.Designs MsgBox"The design name is "& .Designs.Item(desName.Index).NameNextEndWithEndSub ...
表达 一个代表 Presentation 对象的变量。 返回值 Designs 示例 以下示例对于当前演示文稿中的每个设计都会显示一条消息。 VB 复制 Sub AddDesignMaster() Dim desName As Design With ActivePresentation For Each desName In .Designs MsgBox "The design name is " & .Designs.Item(desName.Index).Name Next...
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Design a presentation in PowerPoint for the webApplies ToPowerPoint зауеб Themes Select the Design tab. Select one of the Themes. Select one of the Variants.Designer Insert one or more pictures, a list of items, or a list of dates. The Designer panel will o...
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On theDesigntab, select the theme you want. To see more themes, expand the Theme gallery . On theHometab, clickNew Slide. To choose a different slide layout, click the arrow next toNew Slideand then click the slide layout you want. ...
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Presentation.Designs property (PowerPoint) हम अपनी वेबसाइटों पर आपके अनुभव को बेहतर बनाने और आपकी ऑनलाइन गतिविधि के आधा...