设计幻灯片 模板背景和主题水印页眉和页脚 将模板应用于演示文稿 创建并保存 PowerPoint 模板 什么是幻灯片母版? 可在何处查找自定义模板? 创建或自定义幻灯片母版 复制一个演示文稿中的幻灯片母版并粘贴到其他演示文稿
For Start, select When Clicked, With Previous, or After Previous. You can also select the Duration or Delay. To learn more, see Animate text or objects.Check out this step-by-step guide from creative experts on captivating PowerPoint presentation design. Need...
1. Find the perfect PowerPoint templateSearch for anything—type of template, image, color, —or take a look around by browsing the catalog. Select the template that fits you best, from pitch decks to data shareouts and more. 2. Customize your creationUse Microsoft PowerPoint to make your ...
在本例中為Presentation物件會傳遞至程序。 此程序將投影片新增至簡報並再將簡報儲存在執行 Microsoft PowerPoint 所在的資料夾中。 VB SubAddAndSave(pptPresAsPresentation) pptPres.Slides.Add1,1pptPres.SaveAs pptPres.Application.Path &"\Added Slide"EndSub ...
Erwecken Sie Präsentationen mit anpassbaren PowerPoint-Designvorlagen zum Leben. Egal, ob Sie mit Statistiken glänzen oder Ihre neuesten Ideen präsentieren wollen: Finden Sie eine PowerPoint-Vorlage, die sich sehen lassen kann.
Bring presentations to life with customizable PowerPoint design templates. Whether you're wowing with stats or putting your latest ideas on display, find a PowerPoint template that pops.
Microsoft PowerPoint slide designs can be changed at any time, giving you the possibility to switch themes during or after creating your presentation. PowerPoint will change and adapt it for you. Learn how to use PowerPoint themes to improve and customize your presentation to best appeal to your...
PowerPoint for Microsoft 365PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for MacPowerPoint for the web This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media. Note:Design Ideas has been renamed to Designer. The video shows the old name, but the feature works the ...
Office for Mac OutlookPowerPoint 概述 概念 操作说明主题对象模型 概述 ActionSetting 对象 ActionSettings 对象 AddIn 对象 AddIns 对象 Adjustments 对象 AnimationBehavior 对象 AnimationBehaviors 对象 AnimationPoint 对象 AnimationPoints 对象 AnimationSettings 对象 ...
Office for Mac OutlookPowerPoint 概述 概念 操作说明主题对象模型 概述 ActionSetting 对象 ActionSettings 对象 AddIn 对象 AddIns 对象 Adjustments 对象 AnimationBehavior 对象 AnimationBehaviors 对象 AnimationPoint 对象 AnimationPoints 对象 AnimationSettings 对象 ...