This issue can occur if that message has been assigned a label from a Retention Policy or File Plan that is configured to mark items as Record. In this case, Outlook will fail to perform the operations and will display an error message. TROUBLESHOOTING ...
Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019Outlook Web App Use theRetention policiessettings in Outlook Web App to apply a policy to your messages and the folders in your mailbox. Retention policies control how long your messages will be saved. Archiv...
Outlook introduced a change that enables administrators and users to remove the duration information from the retention policy tag view by setting a registry key.
For every user, the same retention policy is assigned on the Exchange, but some users only see the tags in Outlook and under the Inbox properties there is only the Online Archive showing (see the 2 images). At a user where the right options are displayed, it looks like the followin...
他們可以在 Outlook 中選取封存信箱中的 [刪除的專案] 資料夾,然後在 [常用] 索引標籤上選取 [從伺服器復原刪除的專案] 來執行此動作。如需復原已刪除專案的詳細資訊,請參閱復原Windows 版 Outlook 中已刪除的專案。意見反映 此頁面有幫助嗎? 是 否 ...
I am trying to make a retention that would delete a folder in outlook call promotions. I created a label that deletes the items within 14 days of creation...
若要在 Outlook 中查看和应用保留策略标记,请右键单击文件夹,然后选择所需的标记。 根据用户的组策略,他们也许能够更改此列表, (通过“选项>邮件>保留策略”下的 OWA 添加/删除) 。 检查适用于存储项的文件夹的保留策略选项。 为此,请右键单击文件夹,然后向下滚动到“分配策略”。
outlook邮箱存储一共50G(这个与分配的License有关,比如Microsoft 365 Business Basic分配的Exchange Online存储是50G,office 365 e3分配的Exchange online存储有100G)。用户发现后台存储满了,其他人发送邮件给他也会提示邮箱已满。尝试删除邮件发现已删除的邮件自动恢复,从outlook设置—账户/常规—存储,对deleted items文件...
可在Add-MailboxPermission 的审核记录中标识的另一个系统用户帐户是。 该服务账户也包括在与验证和更新分配给 DiscoverySearchMailbox 系统邮箱的发现管理角色组的 FullAccess 权限相关的邮箱审计记录中。 具体而言,当Microsoft支持人员代表组织运行基于角色的访问控制诊断工具时,通...
此活动的审核记录通过下面两种方式之一触发:当邮箱客户端(如 Outlook)对邮件执行绑定操作时,或者当邮箱客户端(如 Exchange ActiveSync 或 IMAP)同步邮箱文件夹中的项目时。 调查被盗用的电子邮件帐户时,分析此活动的审核记录非常有用。 已添加代理邮箱权限 Add-MailboxPermission 管理员已将一位用户(称为“代理”)的 ...