Office 2013 include applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. They’re available as a one-time purchase for use on a single PC. Microsoft 365 plans include premium versions of these applications plus other services that are enabled over the internet, including online storage with...
Office 2013 include applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. They’re available as a one-time purchase for use on a single PC. Microsoft 365 plans include premium versions of these applications plus other services that are enabled over the internet, including online storage with...
32 位版本的 WindowsHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Delivery\SourceEngine\Downloads\*0FF1CE}-*HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*0FF1CE*HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SO...
Extract the downloaded files. If you don’t know how to extract,see this article. The password to extract will always be: Open the “Software Files” and run “setup.exe”. Select “Install now” and follow on-screen instructions to install Office 2013. ...
Microsoft OneNote:This note-taking software allows you to create notes with text, drawings, tables, pictures, and other tools that make it easy to jot down any necessary information. Microsoft Outlook:Known chiefly as an email platform for Office, Outlook also features tools that help with event...
首先下载Microsoft Office 2013官方下载 免费完整版,然后解压Microsoft Office 2013安装包,这个安装包里面有office2013激活工具的,激活之后就变成破解版的了,就可以永久使用Microsoft Office 2013了,这个是Microsoft Office 2013 64位的安装包。 第2步 解压Microsoft Office 2013安装包 解压Microsoft Office 2013破解版...
软件简介:Microsoft Office 2013官方免费版是由微软官方推出的一套办公软件,Microsoft Office 2013采用了全新人性化设计,完美支持在平板电脑以及 Windows设备上使用触控、手写笔、鼠标或键盘进行操作。Microsoft Office2013官方免费版在支持社交网络的同时,还提供了包括阅读、笔记、会议和沟通等现代应用场景,并可通过新的云服...
确保Office2013已经激活 每次打开Office2013都显示“正在配置Microsoft Office “ 的解决方法:修改注册表 3 第二步,打开注册表(注册表怎么打开?如何打开注册表图文教程),依次找到HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice15.0WordOptions,在注册表的右侧找到NoRereg,将值从0改为1,保存退出,打工告成! 如果...
隱藏Office 市集按鈕 群組原則登錄路徑:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Options\WebExt!StoreButtonInRibbonHomeTabAllowed 在從Office 365 訂閱提供的 Outlook 版本中移除 [首頁] 索引標籤中的 Office 市集 按鈕。監視Office 相關應用程式Telemetry Dashboard有助於 IT 專業人員監視用戶...
在命令列中,從含有 Office 2013 來源檔案之網路安裝點的根目錄輸入 setup.exe /admin,執行 OCT。例如,使用下列命令:*\\server\share\Office15\*setup.exe /admin。當您執行 OCT 時,可以選擇是要建立新的安裝程式自訂檔案 (.msp) 檔案,或是開啟現有的 .msp 檔案。如果要建立新的檔案,OCT 會顯示網路安裝點...