7 步骤 7:删除“开始”菜单快捷方式以管理员身份打开命令提示符窗口。键入%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs,然后按 Enter。删除“Office 2013”文件夹。8 步骤 8:卸载 Microsoft Office Habanero 本地组件和 Habanero 补充本地组件以管理员身份打开命令提示符窗口。在命令提示符处,键入适合...
Office for IT Pros FAQ Product Guide Try with Office 365 (works with existing Office using Click-To-Run technology) Try without O365 (requires uninstallation of previous Office)Other Office 2013 Programs :Lync 2013 Exchange 2013 Project 2013 SharePoint 2013...
在命令列中,從含有 Office 2013 來源檔案之網路安裝點的根目錄輸入 setup.exe /admin,執行 OCT。例如,使用下列命令:*\\server\share\Office15\*setup.exe /admin。當您執行 OCT 時,可以選擇是要建立新的安裝程式自訂檔案 (.msp) 檔案,或是開啟現有的 .msp 檔案。如果要建立新的檔案,OCT 會顯示網路安裝點...
The core programs of Microsoft Office are some of the most recognizable productivity software in the world. You’re probably familiar with most of the names, and each has tools designed to help create and collaborate. Microsoft Word:Word is easily the most popular word processor out there. Now...
Microsoft Office 2013 suites and programs (32-bit versions only) Fourth You must install the earliest version of Office first. For example, if you want to use both Office 2007 and Office 2013 programs on the same computer, install Office 2007 first. You must use this order because of ...
Stream Office programs to other computers. Full integration with OneDrive (previously known as SkyDrive) to access any document anywhere and share it easily. Personal settings can be accessed from anywhere. How does it improve Office 2010?
Microsoft Office programs display the last few documents you opened in that program so that you can use those links to quickly access the files. This feature is turned on by default, but you can turn it off, turn it back on, clear, or adjust the number of fi...
computer that is running Windows 8 or 8.1, an Office application tile on the start screen is blank without an application name or icon if the application is pinned to the Start screen. To work around this issue, repair the Office installation in thePrograms and Featuresi...
If you’re activating a personal copy of Office 2013 install, seeActivate Office 2013 programsinstead. If you’re an admin at an enterprise and want to activate a volume license edition of Office 2013,you’re at the right place, keep reading. ...