MakeCode brings computer science to life for all students with fun projects, immediate results and both block and text editors for learners at different levels.
MakeCode brings computer science to life for all students with fun projects, immediate results, and both block and text editors for learners at different levels.
Arcade table How to Make a Game Videos Bunny Hop How to Make a Platformer Game - Part 1 How to Make a Platformer Game - Part 2 How to Make a Platformer Game - Part 3 约翰·帕克的工作室 Trash Panda Next Level Games Re-MakeCode Racing Games Sparky Invaders Platformer Ga...
Microsoft MakeCode Arcade is a free, open-source, retro, 2D game development environment. Students between the ages of 9 and 18 can use MakeCode Arcade to design and create their own games online and share them with friends and family or download to hand-held game devices. Learn more about ...
Develop your programming skills by quickly creating and modding retro arcade games with Blocks and JavaScript in the MakeCode editor
您只需要有網際網路連線的電腦即可開始使用,不需要下載或安裝任何專案。 MakeCode Arcade 是免費的,可跨所有平臺和瀏覽器運作。 電腦,而不是平板電腦或手機,提供最佳體驗。 您現在已準備好使用 MakeCode Arcade 建立!雖然並非必要,但請考慮使用 Microsoft 帳戶或 Microsoft 365 帳戶 (學校或工作場所)...
當您建立 MakeCode Arcade 程式代碼時,您必須知道如何執行、儲存及共享程式。 儲存程式 選取畫面底部的 [儲存] 按鈕以儲存您的專案。 專案將會儲存,並會自動提供 .png 檔案供您儲存。 如果您已登入帳戶,系統會自動儲存您的進度。 畫面底部會有雲端圖示。
檢閱MakeCode Arcade編碼專案學習活動頁面 請參閱共同作業說明或決策樹,並編寫課程代碼 如果在此單元期間與同事合作,請討論您的發現 請參閱影片,以比較您的分析與下列影片中 Becky 的說明: 獎勵:準備 Microsoft 認證教育者測驗,請練習編寫更多錨點課程。錨點課程區段中的建議活動: ...
Meowbit is a card-sized graphical retro game computer with allows you coding with Makecode arcade and Python. In other words, it can use combines game programming with hardware devices. Meowbit is a card-sized grahical programming video game console designed for teenagers. It contains 1.8' full...
Try it Forum This repo contains the Arcade editor built withMicrosoft MakeCode (PXT). Creating and editing a package In the editor, you will find a GitHub icon next to the save icon. Use the GitHub integration to build a library package. You do not need to ins...