Develop your programming skills by quickly creating and modding retro arcade games with Blocks and JavaScript in the MakeCode editor
The category Check out the “Help” or “Show & Tell” categories for questions or to share a game! 3967 MakeCode Blog A space for discussing posts on theMicrosoft MakeCode blog. 310 micro:bit Discussion regardingMakeCode for micro:bit. Please note, this forum is not...
Arcade table How to Make a Game Videos Bunny Hop How to Make a Platformer Game - Part 1 How to Make a Platformer Game - Part 2 How to Make a Platformer Game - Part 3 约翰·帕克的工作室 Trash Panda Next Level Games Re-MakeCode Racing Games Sparky Invaders Platformer Ga...
Microsoft MakeCode Arcade是一个代码编辑器,用于为浏览器和手持主机生成复古街机游戏。 它使学生能够以块、JavaScript 或 Python 编写代码。 使用Microsoft MakeCode Arcade 你只需要一台具有 Internet 连接的计算机即可开始使用 — 无需下载或安装任何内容。 MakeCode Arcade 是免费的,可跨所有平台和浏览器...
Arcade Build video games, create characters, and play with friends. The 'Hour of Code™' is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming. Microsoft MakeCode | Terms of use |...
當您建立 MakeCode Arcade 程式代碼時,您必須知道如何執行、儲存及共享程式。 儲存程式 選取畫面底部的 [儲存] 按鈕以儲存您的專案。 專案將會儲存,並會自動提供 .png 檔案供您儲存。 如果您已登入帳戶,系統會自動儲存您的進度。 畫面底部會有雲端圖示。
Tic-Tac-Toe in MakeCode Arcade Blocks as Streamed on Twitch This is an unbeatable (I think) Tic-Tac-Toe game. It doesnotuse theminimax algorithm. Rather, since tic-tac-toe is such a simple game, this program demonstrates an adhoc, easy-to-follow algorithm that does not use recursion....
MakeCode Arcade is the primary programming tool students use in the course. It's web-based, so there's nothing to install. Anyone can use it, no matter what kind of device they use. Students who don't have an internet connection to access it, can download the off...
This 45-minute workshop will introduce you to MakeCode Arcade and our new Code a Carnival curriculum set. In less than an hour, you'll have a complete blueprint for a modular series of carnival activities that can be condensed into a single hour or stretched to 16+ ses...
This repo contains the Arcade editor built withMicrosoft MakeCode (PXT). Creating and editing a package In the editor, you will find a GitHub icon next to the save icon. Use the GitHub integration to build a library package. You do not need to install the local dev server; everything can...