在此單元中,您會使用 Flask Web 應用程式架構來建立 Python 應用程式。 您也會建立 Azure 地圖服務 Web SDK 可用來顯示地圖應用程式的網頁。建置應用程式若要建置應用程式,首先我們要建立專案資料夾、設定 Python 環境,並安裝所需的 pip 套件。接著,我們會建立環境檔案和應用程式 Python 檔案。
在數據視覺效果方面,Python 提供多個圖形連結庫,其中包含許多不同的功能。 根據預設,Azure Synapse Analytics 中的每個 Apache Spark 集區都包含一組策劃且熱門的開放原始碼連結庫。 您也可以使用 Azure Synapse Analytics 連結庫管理功能來新增或管理其他連結庫和版本。
一个基于游戏的学习平台,通过在引人入胜的沉浸式环境中提高创造性、协作和批判性思维,让学生们未雨绸缪。 从基本构建到使用块、JavaScript 和 Python 进行编码,《我的世界》教育版可以贯穿整个课程,通过游戏的强大力量让课堂充满欢声笑语。 浏览所有“我的世界”内容 ...
本課程由 DevOps 專家 David Tesar 和 IT Pro 技術傳教士 Morgan Webb 主講,將帶您探索高層級、內部佈署和公有雲等議題,會討論到的產品則有 System Center、Microsoft Azure 和 Visual Studio Online 技術。 Machine Learning 機器學習實作 - 五分鐘完成商品推薦系統 Level 200 Microsoft Azure ML (Machine Learnin...
Browse all training Educator Center Student Hub FAQ & Help Learn Training Browse Get started with Jupyter notebooks for Python Save Add to Collections Add to Plan Unit 5 of 6 Knowledge check 200 XP Module assessment 3 minutes 1. What file extension does a Jupyter notebook have? .ipy...
Azure offers both relational and non-relational databases as managed services. Easily add these to your Python apps, choosing from among managed solutions forPostgreSQLandMySQL,Redis,Azure Cosmos DB(compatible with MongoDB), and other services. ...
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We’re open source friendly, too, so you can use the tech you prefer, including Python, Node.js, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. An all-in-one platform for SaaS startups We’re proud to have the longest-running program designed to help startups sell into the enterprise, unmatched by any other...
DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective. - microsoft/DeepSpeed
The team is focused on a wide spectrum of technologies including machine learning, natural language processing, cloud computing, big data, search engine and online advertising, web and browser. Located in Beijing, Suzhou, Taipei and Tokyo, Software Technology Center Asia (STCA) has more than 2000...