您可以通过添加相邻单元格的方式来扩大打印区域。 如果您向打印区域中添加不相邻的单元格,Excel 将会为这些单元格创建一个新的打印区域。 在工作表上,选择要添加到现有打印区域的单元格。 注意:如果要添加的单元格不与现有打印区域相邻,则会创建一个额外的打...
方法/步骤 1、打开编辑好的Excel文档,选中想要打印的区域,如图所示(阴影图层部分为所要打印的区域) 2、点击页面布局选项卡,选择打印区域选项, 点击设置打印区域子选项,这时候我们就成功设置了打印区域。 3、在设置好打印区域后,我们需要对选中的打印区域的输出效果稍作调整,以符合我们的输出需求。首先按下CTRL+p, ...
excel自动调整打印区域方法: 1、选取区域 – 页面布局 – 设置打印区域。 2、公式 – 名称管理器,打印选取print_area,然后在下面的文本框输入以下公式: =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,,,COUNTA(Sheet1!$A:$A),COUNTA(Sheet1!$1:$1)) 公式简介: COUNTA(Sheet1!$A:$A):统计有多少行 COUNTA(Sheet1!$1:$1):...
在刷新现有 XML 数据连接或将新 XML 数据导入到任何打开的 Microsoft Excel 工作簿后,将发生 WorkbookAfterXmlImport 事件。 AppEvents_WorkbookBeforeCloseEventHandler 用于为事件添加事件处理程序的WorkbookBeforeClose委托类型。 WorkbookBeforeClose 事件发生在任何打开的工作簿关闭之前。 AppEvents_WorkbookBeforePrint...
PageSetup.PrintArea 属性 (Excel) 项目 2023/04/07 6 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 备注 示例 返回或设置要打印为 字符串 的区域,使用宏语言中的 A1 样式引用。 读/写 String。语法表达式。PrintArea表达 一个代表 PageSetup 对象的变量。备注将该属性设置为 False 或空字符串 (""),可打印整个工作表。
Excel 2016 If you print a specific selection on a worksheet frequently, you can define a print area that includes just that selection. A print area is one or more ranges of cells that you designate to print when you don't want to print the entire worksheet. When you pr...
Excel 365 - Header, Footer, and Print area I have an Excel workbook with 20 tabs. Each tab has a different header except the date after the description of the particular sheet. I need every sheet to have a footer with a page number starting with page 2, being numbered 2. ...
Excel 365 - Header, Footer, and Print area I have an Excel workbook with 20 tabs. Each tab has a different header except the date after the description of the particular sheet. I need every sheet to have a footer with a page number starti...Show...
Page setup option is also used to set the page alignment, orientation, etc. In the Page setup section, we have options of Margins, Orientation, Size, Print Area, Breaks, Background, Print titles, etc. What is Margins in Excel and how to set the Margins?
How to Clear the Print Area in Microsoft Excel When you get it wrong, it is easy to clear the selection and start over. Click anywhere on the spreadsheet for which you want to clear the print area. Go to thePage Layouttab. In thePage Setupgroup, clickClear Print Area. ...